February Into March

Just a couple of outings, always a treat!

I closed out February (February 28, 2023) with an organizational meeting for Ohio Fashion Week. You can see me here: http://www.hauteohio.com/staff.

Really no story. I worked all day, boogied home, got dressed and schlepped back across town for the meeting. I did look cute!

This was the maiden voyage for these awesome tights and if you like the look….try this sweater!

Thursday, March 2, 2023, was my second to last improv class. I usually have made an entire day of it, but lately, all the outings have taken a toll on my purse and have frankly, worn me out. Plus March is lining up to be much more of a Kandi month than ever. I have pledged to myself that I will need a protracted break from all these activities in April.

There is no question I am becoming more and more the woman I am through my activities as well as finally doing the work necessary to remove all body and facial hair. It is a remarkable feeling only having to shave my body once a week, instead of almost daily. My skin is softer and it makes me so happy. Now I am Kandi even when I am not Kandi. This has changed my life!

I simply went to class on this evening, always interesting and enjoyable!

Hmmmm….Let’s see what’s inside the mailbag.

Hi Kandi,

Today my tenure as volunteer reader at the care home sadly comes to an end. What actually started as a two hour slot on a Tuesday and Thursday then went to Monday, Tuesday and Thursday with the occasional Saturday morning.  

Over my time there I received many compliments regarding my friendliness, compassion and importantly for me, my appearance. More than once I received the complimentary remark of wishing that I was their daughter. You can only imagine how much this made to someone who had always longed for her own mother to have wished that.

Relatives of the residents had often sought me out to thank me for just giving my time to their mother or sister. 

I occasionally had to be peacemaker when at times two or more of the ladies had a falling out or a heated exchange arose between two groups, though I suppose that occurs whenever females of any age are living in close proximity or in this case occupy a residents lounge together. It is interesting that no matter the age we women will complain about men and bitch about one another 😊.

Volunteering has been the making of Faye and my world has opened up in so many ways, and with the spring  season of amateur dramatics starting and future church summer fetes and activities in the future I am going to be a very busy woman.

Sorry for rambling on but my happiness and joy has no bounds.

Love to you Kandi, may your happiness be endless.


On occasion I get emails like this. Faye has done so a few times and kindly allowed me to share them here. Am I not the luckiest woman in the world to have friends like Faye?


One Response

  1. Kandi I agree you do look cute, I think each time I look in a mirror dressed and say that about myself it just makes me happy
    I mean I still have those darn male features but I still feel cute if my outfit was working
    Today I went to do my normal grocery shopping (ugh that’s becoming expensive) I digress but I wore a simple jean skort and stripped top and looked and just felt cute.
    So it’s amazing how that happens once we just accept ourselves and live our life
    Hugs Rachael

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