Please lose the thought of that horrendous version of the Golden Girls theme song.
This is my tribute to the original Andrew Gold gem (1978).
Some of my favorite photos of some of my favorite ladies!

The absolute best photo ever taken! Crystal…..awesome!

Grace personified.

Two fabulous authors. Two inspirational human beings. Two friends, what could be better?

When I need a pick-me-up, I simply look at this photo. Lisa, you are a great and thoughtful friend.

Two of my favorite photos of three of my favorite ladies, two of which I have spent time with in the real world! And that has been my great privilege.
The other, I envy Dee for that relationship (that French Fly looks soooo good.)

Our resident essayist, the fabulous Amanda, does not post many photos. That is the nature of the beast. But this is Amanda to me, in my head. Thank you darling for your wit, wisdom and thoughtfulness.

Our wonderful Canadian correspondents, both of which I have so much love for. One, I have spent time with and respect more than many; one I have a connection with that fills me with tremendous pride.
Ladies, you both honor me with our friendships! 🍁

Nora and Alex are real world friends. They are people I treasure. They are some of the most fascinating and interesting people, the most giving friends I am truly blessed to know. I am honored by my association with you both and greatly look forward to the next time we are together.

Maddy has graced us with her evolution, then life has taken her away from us for a while. But this is her to me, this is that bright light she shines, half way around the world from Kandi’s Land. We appreciate her so very much!

I remember when Teresa told me this was a favorite photo of her. She always is gracious to share her journey to become the wonderful woman she has become.

Tina does not get the chance to get out as often as she would like. When she does, she shares every savory moment with us and my heart bleeds for her when she cannot get out. This is Tina….to me. She may not look like this, but her soul, her essence, is even more beautiful than this.

The beautiful young lady at left is a supposed “newbie”. Yeah…right. Kris, your evolution thrills me to no end. God bless you dear!
Lisa, at right, is one of the most interesting people I have ever known. Thank you my friend for including me in your circle!

Cali also hasn’t provided many photos, always understood. So this is my Cali, my beautician, our resident beauty expert!

I do not have a lot of photos of these ladies, but they mean the world to me. Cass, you are the rock upon which Kandi’s Land was built. Gigi, your recent participation here cements for me that we do good things. Keep finding a way to be glorious. Rach…….what can I say? We’ve been down the road together without ever having the chance to meet, but I always feel connected to you. You are an amazing human being! Pricilla, who communicates principally directly with me, you are a doll!

Faye, every once in a while you grace me with an email and all I can do is beam with pride. Love you darling! This is my Faye, my inspiration, my greatest joy because she claims I helped her get out the door and now, she is making a tremendous difference in our world. The more Fayes we can find, the better this world will be.

Next week, you will be introduced to the amazing Grae Phillips (above) and we will welcome a new voice, Shelley Anne Baker (following, at left). Our little engine that could keeps chugging along, keeps building community, keeps preaching love!

Stana, thank you!

I saved Cristy for last. In what universe does someone like me get to be such great friends with a deeply thoughtful, beautiful, graceful Guatemalan who brings such perspective on everything that is “this”, however we all individually define it?

This just makes me happy…..
If I missed you, I suck and my decaying mind sucks. Forgive me my tremendous flaws. This post was written rewritten, added to over the course of the last month, fined tuned just yesterday for publication.
Many thanked here may never see this, but at least I am getting the chance to let these thoughts escape out into the universe, where it will be ignored like most things I write.
Happy Thanksgiving all! I am grateful for each and every one of you. Our Contributors, those that comment, those that reach out behind the scenes, those that read every day but we never hear from. You are not alone. We are forever bound in a sisterhood that cannot be described, it just exists. No one can understand it but us.

White or dark meat?
We are a true community! Tell a girlfriend…I need the clicks, it’s an ego thing…….
18 Responses
Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends. Eat, drink and be merry (or is it Mary?).
Being from way up north and winter coming earlier, our harvest time was in October. Canucks celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October.
I am so proud the USA/Canadian border is the longest undefended border in the world. True friendship! I think I will cross it in January.
I love all of you.
PS – go Packers
Wow, Kandi, what can I say?
For me, being here is a huge privilege and to be spoken of in the same breath as some of the greats of this community (and spoken of BY one of the greats of this community) just blows my mind. I could say that where I am now was just a dream when I embarked on this stage of my ‘journey’ back in July 2019 but the truth is that it seemed so far fetched that it wasn’t even on the radar and as I said in a comment I left only yesterday, I have eternal gratitude for everyone who has shown me the way but particularly for you for providing a place where we can just be ourselves.
And you’re not going to believe this but the picture you posted to accompany your little piece about me was a completely accurate likeness of me – in my imagination even if not borne out by reality!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Kandi!
As my journey continues, I recognize the importance of the connections and friends I have made along the way. For me and musings to be included among the notables of our community that write for your wonderful blog has been such a confidence builder. Were it not for the affirmation I have received I would not have been able to develop and express the feminine identity which has helped me so much. I am eternally thankful to be part of that community, and you and indeed everyone here has been a big part of that.
All the best,
Thankyou so much for being included in your friends gallery , it feels quite an honour .
Obviously I do have more glamourous pictures but I chose that one because it was part of a lovely day out with a GG friend on a coach trip to a quaint seaside resort . We strolled bare foot along the beach picking out pebbles suitable for my friend to make jewellery . We had our ice creams at the end of the pier and took silly pictures .
Sometimes it’s not all about looking like a perfect model , I still felt just as good even if we were wind blown , we were no different to any other visitors taking in the sights and enjoying lovely coffee and home made cakes .
We all owe you a big round of Thanks for providing a forum that welcomes all and that is hopeful, helpful and real. It is a special space with voices arising from unique, yet shared experiences. I have enjoyed being a part of your world, and am thankful you are part of mine.
We applaud and appreciate all you say and do.
Happy Thanksgiving to my dearest virtual friend
I truly mean that. We would be such great in person friends without question
I pray you have a great day and God bless you and family
Thank you for this site and being a wonderful ambassador of the trans community
Happy Thanksgiving, stay beautiful my friends ❤️🦃❤️🦃
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving (or had, for our Canadian friends). Kandi, your image for me is obviously a stretch! But your words have deep meaning to me, and I love you for saying them.
Have a great Thanksgiving and a great Holiday season!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you! And thank you for this place where we get to hear the stories and adventures of being out in public that inspires many of us to follow timidly in your footsteps. I may not post often but I read this blog and many others everyday to inspire me to get out more than just church on Sundays. Slowly getting there though. I think me telling HR about Paula might help.
Thanks again for all you do! You are a Blessing!
Only you can make that decision , I appreciate how hard it is because I’ve lived that moment . Once the words are spoken there’s no going back , your life from that point will change as you’ll be seen in a different light . Best of luck on the choices you make .
Thank you and everyone for the kind words! I certainly don’t deserve them, but I’ll take ’em!
Kandi, I remember sending you an email a while ago where I suggested the only reason Trish is even here is because of what you have done for me and my wife. I also remember that it seems most times when I receive a message from you I end up in tears and this one is no exception. Thank you for being you and thank you for the faith you have in me my friend.
Yours always,
Trish ❤️
All the best to you my friend.
Thank you Fiona and my best wishes to you as well as all my other friends here in Kandi’s Land. I couldn’t be with a greater group of people, love you all❤️
If I only had hair and breast like that.
Thanks you Kandi for this site.
Since it’s after Thanksgving…Merry Christmas.
Hi Kandi , only just seeing this now , due to the busier times of life. Beautifully written and I’m sure all the lovely ladies here appreciated it. I’m so glad i discovered this community and my only regret is not having more time to spend on here. As I have said before, i would love to spend time with you and any of the the amazing people in the community, thank you all of you for sharing your stories and experiences. Much love and best wishes for 2025 to you all. 😘👗❤️
I appreciate you Chris, thank you!!