Four Years of Blogging!

Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us.......

This is the four year anniversary of Kandi’s Land, now firmly settled into our new space!

I must thank those that make this place special: the cornerstone of this place, Sun-Dee; the fabulous Julie Slowinski; the inspirational Gwen Patrone; my sister Sherry Greer; my conscience Lisa P.; terrific Tina Davis; our beloved Canuck, Jocelyn Johnson; our adorable English correspondent, Amanda J. and the heartbeat of this place, Rachel L.

I appreciate each and every comment. I relish those of you that have e-mailed me, especially those that have privately shared success stories. I am very proud of this blog. While it doesn’t appear to be considered one of the “top 100”, I would have to argue that point. We uplift, we demonstrate reality, we show a way, a path to be yourself. And we actually live what we say. Our contributors and I actually go out, interact with the public and in most cases, do so in a very mainstream fashion. We generally do not whine. We have found a way. This place is about love and support. This is a place where you can come and feel like you belong.

My underlying belief is that love is the answer to every problem, every issue. No, it’s not easy, but it is the solution, that’s a fact.

Between both web addresses, I believe we’ve had almost half a million hits to date. We may not be the biggest, we may not have the most known hostess, but we are the best! We are the best because YOU are the best! Tell a friend, make us a daily destination, visit often.

And remember the Rules of the Road: Be smart, be appropriate, be confident and be visible!! Get out there ladies!


12 Responses

  1. Wow, 4 years – that’s pretty amazing! I love the positivity of this place and each time I read another story of acceptance, that’s another step closer to all of this being nothing out of the ordinary, just as other parts of the LGBT world have become.

    And I’m touched to have been included in your roll call; my contribution so far has been small but there’s plenty more where that came from and I hope I can do you all justice over the coming months and years.

    For now, though, well done and thank you on behalf of everyone like me who, for whatever reason, is not able to be out and about in the big wide world but still draws inspiration and hope from those who are.

    Amanda x

  2. Kandi,

    What you said is beautiful and the truth, not all of us are able to go out dressed as we would want, but
    by being here daily makes us so thanful your web site is here. We live thru you. (BTW), you are really beautiful and kind.
    You keep this daily blog inspiring,thank you.
    Most of us live thru you and your fabulous adventures!!


  3. Wow, amazing 4 years. Congratulations my dear friend
    Someday I do hope we will meet in real life but for now I’m so glad we have connected in this place
    Your vibrant way about you and that infectious smile is wonderful
    I’m touched by your comment of me being the heartbeat
    Thank you so much Kandi
    And yes love is indeed what our world needs
    Love ya my friend Rachael

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