Over the past year, I did a couple of selfie photo shoots with a nod to the late, great June Cleaver. If you are under 50, Google her! So here are a few favorites from those fun shoots!! These are outtakes from those shoots, I have not published them on any platforms.
In a moment of total and complete honesty, there is a part of me that would loved to have lived this lifestyle. Being the homemaker, keeping the household running and being a refined woman. And I might add, not being responsible for paying the bills and planning for the future. Just making sure I was pretty, the house was well kept, my spouse pampered. Yeah, I know, those days don’t exist anymore. That will never happen for many reasons, I am blessed to be with the angel known as my wife with wonderful children, I am old, it just isn’t possible. But a girl can dream a little, can’t she?
Looking back at the pictures, I am filled with joy that I can be her! I am her! You have to understand, a few years back, this was absolutely and completely impossible, not even imaginable. Now I have a wardrobe envied by many and I am at peace with myself, albeit restless as I will always be. What more can I do? How can I help my sisters out there?
Cheers ladies! Love yourselves! Trust me when I say this, I know how hard it can be, but you have to find the way to be you. Be the woman buried deep down inside of you because it uncorks a joy that you cannot imagine. This is better than any narcotic, better than any high you can imagine. It is life at its absolute finest. To those of you that have done it, gone out and been yourselves, am I wrong?
16 Responses
Nice clothes and great pictures. You are right I myself would have loved being a good housewife. At the moment I live alone and when the housework has to be done my lazy male me don’t want to do it and then I dress up and housekeeping is just flying.
I will have to clarify something here, I do not do any housework while dressed. These were just photoshoots. I have only one way to dress (all-out and completely), so in the time spent dressing, I could easily get the housework out of the way and then go out! But I hear ya, sister!
You are definitely correct, when I am the woman I want to be, I am totally at peace and the most relaxed I have ever been 💕.
Stay beautiful-Sherry
Never thought that before, did you?
YOU ,Clarssa and Sherry Have all hit the ball squarely and delightfully on the delicate head.
When I am gliding around the kitchen preparing a meal or an afternoon snack for a GAL or two I am in perfect harmony and my true self. Looking good is great but feeling “GIRL-WOMAN” is heavenly. Grace, style, relaxed, confident and fully being my inner self is absolutely wonderful, something to enjoy to the fullest.
Marie Anne
Thanks Marie! I envy you the harmony part, I will struggle with all of this, even though it obviously makes me happy, until they start throwing dirt on me. What you see here and what rolls around my head are often two different things. But the joy and happiness are undeniable!
Such great pictures and outfits. I too loved the clothes from that era.
And yes what is it about putting on something cute that gets my cleaning juices going? It’s a mystery for sure.
I will say this while dressing and being able to express my girl side is a joy I know in my heart there is something that brings much more joy.
One that cannot go away or be explained but that’s another topic
I will just leave it there
Love ya Rach
Love you too!!
June–er’ Kandi, thanks for the walk back to the 1950’s.
Currently “Leave it to Beaver” is on ME-TV @ 8:00 am M-F .
Things have certainly changed in 63 years…..
My wife and I watch ‘The Beave’ almost every morning , as the shows are in (at least) in seasonal order, as neither of us have seen all of the shows.
You got to hand it to June, she knew how to dress in the early social stages of the post-war ‘Burbs.
Ward, on the other hand, had fewer choices with that horizontal striped polo style shirt, buttoned up to the neck (ICK!). BTW that shirt is now back in style….
I only hope you received no SKEEZY emails from that EDDIE HASKELL person…. 😉
If this were a vocal response, I would say this in my best Eddie Haskell voice: “Thank you Velma!”.
My skin started to crawl….. at the imagined, treachley, drawl from Eddie Haskell:
“Thank you Ms. Dinkley”….
P.S. Did you know the actor that played Eddie Haskell became an L.A. Police Officer?
Yes, I did know that! I believe he recently passed away. RIP, Eddie!
Bummer 🙁
Ask not for whom the bell tolls….
I grew up watching June Cleaver. I loved watching her and Donna Reed, Lucille Ball and all the other ladies on TV. I loved how they dressed and how feminine they were. I grew up in the 50s. I knew I was different and knew I couldn’t tell anyone.
Well, you certainly are different….in a good way! Thanks Terri!!
You look Really good. I wish I could do that good.