Another Visitor, Another Memorable Experience for Yours Truly

Want to see a few great smiles?

Think these two lovely ladies are enjoying themselves?

I appears that Cleveland has become a rather popular stop for many from the Kandi’s Land family. February 16, 2023 our great friend from North of the Border, Jocelyn, stopped by on her way through the states. And I could not have been happier!

I guess what has been the most awesome thing for me has been that, without exception, everyone I have met through this and other platforms has far exceeded my expectations in terms for graciousness and an immediate ability to have that shared connectedness.

I sent Jocelyn the link to the web site of a shopping area I frequent and one almost within walking distance of her hotel. She selected a restaurant that I never even knew was there and she found the place, I was lost! But we found each other and simply has a delightful shared meal (the meals are designed to feed more that one person). You can see from the above photos taken by our waitress, we’re doing pretty well!

We shared a lot about each other, all of which will be kept between us girls, but it was easy, fluid, joyful, just a delight! Jocelyn, the red carpet remains out for you at any time!

Since I had dinner with Jocelyn and then Thursday improv afterward, it was time to go cute! My center piece for the outfit was this jacket, which I adore! I wore it once before, last year at Keystone (to the left here). I like both presentations. The dress is adorable, I then tied in the brown tights and booties, to pull the whole look together.

I have started a little tradition of grabbing a cup of frozen yogurt before attending class. This wonderful Korean woman lights up every time I stop by. Now I am not delusional enough to think that she doesn’t do that for any customer, but it pleases me anyway. Had my yogurt and then headed into class.

I have developed a friendship with a young (to me) woman who is in my class. She has a sarcastic vibe and we just click. And I always get the compliment on how cute my outfit is! I’m a compliment addict, sue me…..

I then drove home (about 35 minutes) on the phone with a high school friend (if he only knew what I was wearing). We discussed our upcoming 40th (gulp!) college reunion. We went to both high school and college together, as did quite a few of us. I have been blessed to maintain quite a few lifelong friends. This was indeed a great day!


Wonder how I take photos without that “phone in the mirror” look? A simple tripod and remote, click here!


16 Responses

  1. Cleveland is a great city, but its greatest treasure is Kandi Robbins. It is not a surprise that people from all over make the extra effort to visit Cleveland, and if they are really fortunate they can spend some time with Kandi.

    We all love Kandi. That is why so many of us read her blog ever day. But to hug her and share a meal with her is truly an experience of a lifetime.

    And Kandi is even more beautiful in person. What an evening of sharing and laughs!

    Kandi, thank you very much for the delightful time. I might do it again?


    1. I guess I owe you that fifty bucks for saying these kind things about me. The check is in the mail, or is it the cheque?

      There are no words except the deepest “Thank You!” I can muster. Until we meet again…..

      1. Kandi,
        Keep the cheque. You can pay for my meal next time.
        Or at least pay for your own wine, lol.

  2. Looks like the two of you had a great time together (actually, I know the two of you had a great time together as I was tipped off!)!

    Cleveland is rapidly becoming the go-to place for anyone of our particular persuasion (not sure whether Mrs A will see it in the same light if I suggest a solo trip – more than anything, its lack of proximity to London may work against me too!).

    Joking apart, I’m really happy for both of you but particularly for Jocelyn for whom these opportunities are few & far between and particularly special as a result.

    1. Amanda,
      You are so right, this was an extremely special evening for me.

      I can only dream about a meeting with you. Who knows???????

  3. Kandi,
    Every time you post I see something far more than skin deep , you are a genuine person and that is what people pick up on . Also you enjoy the female role , again it’s the genuine part of you , you no longer deny who you are . I’m sure you’re also aware that it’s not really the outfits you wear that other people are attracted to , it’s the lovely person that shines through .

    So this poses the question does it or can it work in male mode ? I personally feel it doesn’t but then I’m biased . To me the interactions are so different , there’s a trust in females which is often missing with men . We are prepared to openly share far more whereas men are more guarded , they’re stuck with that stupid macho shell .
    It was wonderful to see your happy meeting with Jocelyn , you both look great . I had to smile at the story of Jocelyn finding a new place to eat , I’ve been caught out the same way , I thought I knew my town but there are always hidden corners .

    1. Thank you Teresa! You raise an interesting question and have sparked me on a post idea. Let me gather my thoughts and get to working on that!

      I will say the clothes are not essential, but they facilitate allowing my real personality to shine.

    2. Teresa,
      It was a very happy time for me. Just getting out, having a meal and wine, and doing it with a great friend is the ultimate thrill.

      I can’t imagine my time with Kandi would really be much different in male mode, or as our female selves. We just seem to click. Except Kandi is gorgeous; maybe not so much otherwise.


      1. Jocelyn,
        I understand how good it feels I’ve been through that period in my life , as I mentioned I’m biased as I’ve moved on , the thrill is eventually replaced with normality .

        It’s an interesting comment when meeting Kandi , ” we seem to click ” . I do feel we click far easier and comfortably as females , perhaps I was more on my guard as a man .

    3. Love that tripod of yours. We took lovely pictures that day in the park. Cleveland is a fun place with the right host . Your wonderful Kandi darling

  4. Kandi, the dress is cute but the star of your outfit is that jacket, it really finishes your look with the dark tights and boots. I am happy (and jealous) to see you and Jocelyn having such a good time. Making a solo trip to Cleveland would be tough for me, even though Boston is not that far away. I will keep the conviction that we will meet in person one day soon!

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