A Great Father’s Day!

This girl had an amazing Father's Day!

June 18, 2023 was a fabulous Father’s Day for me! The “Father’s” portion of the day was celebrated the day prior, allowing me to spend the bulk of the day having a memorable Kandi day.

I got up and put in my now daily five mile walk. Podcast in my ears, a brisk pace and a great way to clear my head and think. The angel had an early day at work, so as she headed out, I returned home to get ready.

I know fashion, at least as it relates to me. This day, I crushed it! And my makeup was simply perfect given the handicap I have of having this face. A comfortable top, the perfect skirt, shoes and necklace and out the door I went. Unbeknownst to me, services this Sunday were held outdoors. And on the pantheon of the perfect weather for an outdoor event, this was number one! Seventy degrees, sunny, zero humidity.

I walk up (remember, I do not attend every Sunday) and it was a hug fest. Compliments on my outfit and my great friend Judy was there. We sat under a tree and enjoyed a service that included a baptism. I was as relaxed as one could be and my soul filled. Our pastor announced that his daughter is getting married at the church in a few weeks and we are all invited. I very much like our pastor and his wife. She is a runner, so we have a special connection. My plans, barring anything coming up, are to go!

Next stop the drug store to pick up….well, we’ll leave it at that for now.

I then hit my two favorite consignment stores. One hour later, I had about $50 in store credit which I turned into two spectacular dresses! I took the opportunity to try on a few dresses, commandeering a lovely girl that worked there to zip me up and offer advice. There was one dress…….oh my goodness! It was an adorable vintage red and black beauty and if I didn’t have this pesky extra rib, it would have made a memorable photo shoot! Maybe I have that rib removed….

Next down to Playhouse Square for my final activity of the day, volunteering for The North Coast Men’s Chorus. As you can imagine, I had a cocktail at my favorite theater district restaurant. Then I punched in to work and entered my second hug fest of the day. I saw friends, made new ones, hugged people, told those that I love that I love them and just had my soul filled up again!

Once the show started, I had one more at a different establishment and again, made a great connection with a beautiful waitress.

My pregame Manhattan and my intermission Margarita.

I headed back and wrapped up my obligations (and my pleasure). One of the Red Coats (the volunteers on Playhouse Square) came up to me. I never met her before. Understand, I have been in the theater district for plays, to help with the chorus and to work the film festival. She came up and told me that every time she has seen me, I look so good. I told her that I very much try to present myself in a classy and stylish fashion and when someone recognizes that, it fills me with pride.

What a day!

It has become very obvious to me that I am noticed by many. I am noticed by people that I have no idea pay me any attention. And I am a representative of our community. And so far, I have done a pretty good job of doing so well. Yes, I was in church, yes, I was at a Pride-related concert, but I still am out in the general public. And so far…..I can hold my head up high and click my heels up proudly.

This terribly flawed, borderline alcoholic, born male, felon is one pretty damn special woman! We all have issues, we all have challenges, all we can do is plow forward and try to make a difference in this world, even if it is just a little. Even of it is just changing one mind. I hope the Big Guy knows I try… Ultimately it will be His call.


12 Responses

  1. Hi Everyone,
    I can definitely attest to the facts that Kandi is classy and stylish. She is also absolutely “one pretty damn special woman”.

    And let me add Kandi is also beautiful, outside and inside.

    I love you Kandi.


    1. How much did I promise to pay you for that? I seem to have forgotten…..

      Now that’s the way to start my day! Love you to pieces, Jocelyn!!

  2. Kandi,

    Belated Happy Father’s Day.

    In term of fashion, and most other matters, you always hit it out of the park! You chose wisely and look wonderful. Hope you felt the same.

    We are on an RV road trip including 3 grandchildren. Went to Wrigley Field last night for a Cubs/Phillies game. Nobody hit it out of the park. I could not help noticing how stylish even cubs and sporting even wear can be for some ladies. Took notes and mentioned a couple to my wife. Love the trip, but can’t wait to get home to get dressed again. Not that I have been naked, but sometimes it feels that way when unable to dress for long periods of time.

    Cheers and hugs,

    1. I am sure you have discovered an almost intuitive way you now look at women. And that switch doesn’t flip until we are actually out and about as one of them.

      Simple example, I just finished the grocery shopping and noticed the woman in a black t-shirt dress and a woman in capris and a denim jacket. Not runway models, but women going about their necessary errands in a way that many do every day. Then on my way home, I noticed a young mother who happens to live on the corner of the street and I always notice she wears a dress every day, even when cutting the lawn. I just pick up on these things as I have become a sponge (in more ways than one!).

      Wrigley is awesome but I have to hate the Cubs. 2016, the two longest championship droughts in professional sports, Cubs and the then Indians. Game 7, extra innings with the Indians rallying late to tie. A rain delay, allowing the Cubs to regroup and yet again another disappointment here in Cleveland!

      Thank you Crystal for simply being you!

  3. Kandi, this post is why I come back here day after day. Just another tale of normality, acceptance and a fabulous outfit!

    What more does a girl need?!

  4. Kandi, your outfit is simply gorgeous, the top looks perfect and I love your shoes. Collecting all of those hugs from your church and theater attendees sounds so wonderful. Your smile always makes me feel better, even in just your pictures. I can just imagine how it is even more beautiful in person!

  5. I thoroughly enjoy reading about your day to day living and interactions as a woman. Since going out myself I noticed women in a different way, because I was acting as one of them. And a dress does seem to draw attention. I have always appreciated seeing a woman in a dress but it’s extra special to be one. I love that comment about having that extra rib removed. Wouldn’t we all love that? You certainly are a damn special woman, changing hearts and the world one person at time. You’ve certainly made my life better. Can’t wait to meet you in real life sometime.

  6. Hi Kandi,
    I’m with Elizabeth. I look forward to my fix of Kandi every day and look forward to possibly meeting the woman who changed my life face to face. Although living in different countries and you being an easterner and me out west it won’t be easy. But just so you know, with one more month to go before I see the surgeon and hopefully get the green light I want to attend Diva Las Vegas with Paulette and company. I would so love to share that bottle of wine I owe you. ❤️ oh, and happy Independence Day girl.


    1. Trish, it will happen one of these days! You need to have your friend Paulette invite me to these things!!

      Do I have to shar the wine? Love you darling!!

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