My GG friend (and BFF) Michelle turned 50 a couple of days after Christmas, although she doesn’t look it. She’s freakin gorgeous at 50. She brought her modeling catalogs to the party, and all I can say she was extra gorgeous at 20 during her modeling days.
The party theme was to show up as grannies, and some of the guests–mostly women–did. Michelle dressed to imitate Sally O’Malley, a character from Satur-Dee Night Live (or so I’m told; I haven’t watched SNL in a long time). I don’t have any granny clothes–nor much interest in dressing like one. While I am granny age, I prefer to dress multiple decades younger (if you haven’t noticed from the pictures I post here). I decided to wear white silk PJs. I bought the PJs in Hong Kong as a gift for my wife almost 25 years ago, but she never wore them, so a few years later I took them back.
The party was at a local music bar, where I had been multiple times under the prior owners (one of the prior owners was at the party), but this was just my second time under the new owners. The band was decent, and I was able to catch up with some of Michelle’s friends I had met previously, but had not seen in a while (and they kindly said I looked pretty). One of the guests I know from my boy life–he’s the golf pro at a course I play occasionally–but I didn’t interact with him, and he doesn’t know the boy me that well.
Also in attendance was my GG friend Ms. Dee-ism, the only person in my boy world I have outed myself to. This was my first time ever out at night with Ms. Dee-ism (girl me, that is). I’ve known her for 30 years, her husband for 50 (she knows, he doesn’t). She couldn’t be more supportive of my dressing, and gave me another red lipstick (her current mission is to find me red lipsticks, in honor of Taylor Swift; this was the third red one she’s bought me).

Michelle and Ms. Dee-ism met soon after I outed myself to Ms. Dee-ism, and the three of us share text messages regularly. Michelle didn’t know Ms. Dee-ism was attending, and Michelle was very surprised and happy when we arrived together. Ms. Dee-ism also got to see how Michelle is while out in public–up close and personal–so Ms. Dee-ism now understands what I mean when I write that Michelle attracts a LOT of attention when we are out together (let’s just say Michelle is more accustomed to the attention than I am).

It was fun. I got to see some people I hadn’t seen in a while, and they seemed happy to see me. Most importantly, Michelle had a great time and celebrated her milestone birthday in style–granny style.

4 Responses
Looked like a wonderful time!
What a fabulous way to celebrate a milestone birthday (I still don’t believe Michelle is actually 50, but okay). You all look great, I love the silk PJs.
A wonderful time was had by all.
You are one of the best highlights of my Sundee!
You’re not the first to say that, but I will pass it on to her.