Casino Royale, Part 2

The dramatic conclusion!

My ten weeks down under in Australia were coming to an end, and as my wife was having an evening dinner with two of her friends, I decided one last trip to the Crown Casino in downtown Melbourne was in order. 

As it was a Satur-Dee, the morning and early afternoon were my normal Satur-Dee routine. First, I wake around 6:45, dress in my running clothes, and ride my bike about 45 minutes to the Maribyrnong Parkrun, to run my weekly 5K. 

As I have been doing the Parkrun since 2018, I know a few of the regulars, including an Aussie native who is a St. Louis Cardinals fan, and a Yadi (Ya-Dee) Molina fan in particular. I asked my wife to come to the run also, as it was my last before I left to return to “the States”, and she agreed. It was a nice morning to run, and I did my best for 2023, getting done in under 26 minutes. 

After finishing, I walked back along the course until I met up with my wife, then ran her remaining distance with her, to act as her “rabbit” to encourage her to finish strong. She completed the run in a decent time for her, and after the run we walked to a nearby Cafe set along the river for breakfast. My Aussie friend joined us for a chat and a coffee (Australians drink a lot of coffee) while my wife and I finished our breakfast. Thus fortified, I was able to make the bike ride home (my wife, being more sensible, drives to the Parkrun).

My afternoon routine is one PM tennis doubles at our local tennis club, which is two courts behind a church about a mile from our apartment. It’s co-ed tennis–my wife plays too–and it’s a social game rather than a serious one. Everyone takes turns playing. If you are playing, everyone has a serve, so you play four games, finish, and swap players. It’s a lot of fun, and the Saturday combo of the morning bike-run-bike and then afternoon tennis is always the highlight of my week.

Thus, already in a good mood, I headed home to prep for my evening out. One complication (well, two) was that my wife’s friends were coming to our apartment, and my wife was there. I prefer not to dress in front of my wife, but in a two-bedroom, one-bath apartment that is tough to do when she’s there. She was also worried I wouldn’t leave quickly enough, and I’d be there when her friends showed up. My solution was to put my dress on, put my boy clothes over them, load my makeup/wig/shoes/etc., and finish dressing in our car. I’ve learned to be flexible.

It was a nice summer day, suitable for one of my favorite summer dresses (these days, my list of favorite summer dresses is growing). This one is floral, with a halter-type front, criss-crossing straps in the back, and a relatively low back. I (guy me) spend more running time these days with my shirt off for a more even tan to be able to wear dresses like this one. Yes, these dresses show more of me, and if you haven’t figured it out yet, I like the look–and the exposed skin keeps me a lot cooler. 

After finishing my makeup, accessories and wig in the car, I boarded the train for downtown. As it was a Saturday afternoon, it wasn’t prime time, so the train was virtually empty, not that makes a difference. I’ve been on the train on weekdays with lots of school age students (a good number of Australian youth take mass transit to school) and it’s a non-issue then too. 

Half an hour later, I exit the station and walk towards the shopping area. I had about an hour before the stores closed at seven. I found a few fun things to try on at Myer (when I use the word fun, it’s generally meant to convey clothing choices for a couple of generations younger than me), and found a change room to try them on. I didn’t find anything, but always enjoyable to try different looks and hope one might “work”.

With the stores closed, I started walking in the general direction of the casino, located on the opposite side of the Yarra River from the shopping area. I often look for interesting backdrops for pictures, as some of my GG friends like to see pictures of me “out in the wild”. Maybe you do too.

Downtown Melbourne is a popular destination on a summer night (technically Autumn, as Autumn begins in Australia on March 1), so there were lots of people around, walking the streets and in the Downtown pubs and eateries. I haven’t become completely blase about crowds, but I have learned there’s nothing to fret about being in public.

I walked along Southbank towards the casino, enjoying the energy of those out and about on Saturday [Editorial comment: Satur-Dee] night. Yes, I people watch, generally women–because I’m both attracted to women AND I want to see what they are wearing. I like to steal any fashion ideas from those in the crowd.

At the casino, I visited the same adjacent food court as I did my visit before–Italian this time–and ate and played on my phone, writing up my Facebook post on that morning’s run. Surprisingly to me, my Facebook friends seem fascinated by the various races and triathlons I compete in, so I frequently post about them. I try to be somewhat humble, but it is nice to garner approval from friends for doing races they wouldn’t even think about doing.

Following dinner, I wandered the casino again, still never spotting a video poker machine, and not caring enough to ask a staff member if they have any. Eventually I found a relaxed bar on the second level, bought my latest drink of choice (a hard cider, usually apple, on the rocks) and did more people watching. Eventually, my wife texted me her friends had left, so the coast was clear to head for the train and the ride home. I made it home before midnight, so I didn’t turn into a pumpkin, with my last outing down under for 2023 an enjoyable simple night out.


4 Responses

  1. Hi Dee, what an entertaining recount of what sounds like an absolutely wonderful day out. I especially like the time spent with your wife. Mine is accepting but so far not supportive, but hope still reigns supreme. I think it would bring us closer together.

    The rest of your day and the sounded like so much fun. Between shopping, a nice dinner and some time in the casino blowing some hard earned money it couldn’t have been much better. I’ve got a three day event coming up in 2 weeks. A girls weekend in Kelowna B.C. at the end of April. I’ll be posting that on Kandi’s Land .

    I have a question for you. I know here in Canada us trans girls are treated pretty well. I don’t think the U.S. is far behind in most parts of the country. Hi does Australia compare? Thanks for your post.

    Trish ❤️

  2. Trish,

    I’m not sure I’m the best person to be answering your question. I’m only a part-timer in one location of Australia so I can only speak for my limited experiences.

    That notwithstanding, the common expression “She’ll be right, mate” comes to mind. On the whole, I’ve found Aussies to be very tolerant (for both of my ways of presentation). Australia is a nation of immigrants, often relatively new immigrants. While I’m a fifth or sixth generation American, my wife (one year older than me) is a first generation Australian, her parents having immigrated from Italy after WWII. Thus, somewhat of a bit of tolerance for those who are different.

    Also, there are fewer sources of intolerance; a much smaller percentage of evangelical Christians, no Fox News (or other right wing “news” (in name only) outlets, and no political party where the leaders are contesting to see who can be the biggest a-hole to Trans individuals.

    There is an open LGBT community and the Sydney Gay Mardi Gras is annually a big event. I believe there are more legal protections for LGBT members.

    I’ve been out probably 20 to 25 times and my times in Australia are more “exposed”; public transport (versus usually a car in the US) and city streets (versus a mall or the like). I’ve never had an issue. Also, my wife will often go out walking at night, and it’s safe for her too.

    In short, Australia is a very accepting place.

    As to your wife, let me say mine is tolerant, but does not like that I go out. She is afraid of the repercussions if I’m “outed”. However, much like that I don’t own her and I cannot tell her what to do, she doesn’t own me and can’t tell me what I can and cannot do. We compromise. I have learned to accept that she will never fully support that I dress, and I don’t push it. Therefore, I try to minimize those type of interactions with her, out of respect for her.

    I seriously doubt your wife will ever embrace it like you seem to want her too, and I seriously doubt that her embracing your dressing will bring you closer together.

    My goal is to bring enough positive qualities to our marriage that she accepts my dressing as the “price of admission” (per Dan Savage) of being married to me. So far, so good.

  3. Thank you Dee, I really appreciate you answering my questions. It would appear the Aussies treatment and acceptance of trans girls is a lot like Canada maybe even a bit better. As far as where my wife and I are I’ve told a lot of other girls that I feel blessed with my wife’s acceptance of Trish and if she became supportive I’d be ecstatic. And I agree with you that it’s not likely to happen but that doesn’t stop a girl from hoping. Lastly I’m totally jealous of you. Visiting Australia and New Zealand are two places I want visit for sure.



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