Unlike many of my adventures this one actually started in guy mode. I was at my GG friend Michelle’s salon helping her do some renovations. She was building an additional room in the basement of her building, so she could expand the capacity of the spa and therefore make more money (which makes her accountant–me–happy). I was also happy to help out although when it comes to construction work I’m a real handyman–by handyman, I mean I’m handy at writing checks to pay other people to do the work.
I can clean pretty well, run a mean Shop-Vac, and help move things, but actually doing construction is not my best ability. But I was willing to do whatever I could do to help out.
It was later at night and Michelle and I were there with her actual construction guy when Michelle’s two teenage daughters (like Michelle, they are gorgeous) showed up with her friend of theirs. The older daughter was in the doghouse with their dad, and the sisters were out and about to avoid dealing with him.
I went into wise Dad mode (at least I thought so) and offered suggestions about how to deal with her dad (the daughters know all about me). We began to talk. I asked whether the older daughter had been asked to the prom or not (she got asked out about ten days after).
I mentioned a Beatles tribute band called Rain was coming to the Fox Theater a couple weeks after, and asked if they’d like to attend with Michelle and myself. They eagerly agreed. I thought it would be a great day out and I was looking forward to it, and bought tickets.
About a week later Michelle informed me her daughters had a conflict, so she quickly pivoted and invited two of her friends, Maura and Linnette. I had met both in the weeks before. They quickly agreed.
The morning of the concert boy me was up early doing a sprint triathlon. Did okay, third in my age group. I returned home rested up, and then got dressed to experience my first real GNO.

We all met at Michelle’s house and I drove. We had a dinner reservation for 4:30 at a restaurant called Bar Italia, located in the Central West End of St. Louis, relatively near the Fox Theater. I’d not been there before but it looked nice, with an outdoor seating area. My main concern was it was a fairly warm Sun-Dee afternoon, with the temperature was in the high 80s. I don’t do real well in hot temperatures because of the wig. My choice was a short strappy LBD to counter the heat. I thought it looked pretty good wearing it.
We arrived at the restaurant a little early, but they were able to seat us. We were able to get a table out in the patio in the shade of nearby trees, which made me happy and reasonably comfortable. We ordered our drinks and our food and had a great conversation. With three other glammed up women we were taking lots of pictures; them for Facebook, me for here and memories (although some of my pictures ended up on the other’s Facebook pages).
Michelle looked great, as usual, wearing another one of my dresses that I’d worn in Las Vegas last year. For some reason she tends to look a lot better in my dresses than I do. Funny that.

We had our drinks and dinner and talked. Well, they talked I mostly listened, but I was happy to be part of the group.
When the time arrived we headed to the theater. Linnette (boyfriend) and Maura (husband) talked about the men in their life, and their military experience (Linnette currently, Maura previously).

Once parked in the parking garage I wanted to change dresses to a fancier LBD I had found about a year ago at Savers. I thought I looked especially good in it, but I didn’t want to wear it to the restaurant because I thought it would be too warm being outside. I figured I could change on the fly in the garage by pulling the the new dress over my old dress and sliding the old dress off underneath. Unfortunately the dress underneath got hung up on my bra and I just couldn’t get it off. Michelle finally helped me get the old one off. It was quite humorous and I would have been embarrassed, but then again, I realized nobody knew who I was anyway, so I really didn’t have anything to lose.
The dress was special because the first time I ever went to try on dresses in October 2016 this dress was one of the dresses in the room set up for me to try on. I have pictures of me in that dress from that day when I tried it on originally. When I found it at Savers priced at $12 dollars it was an instant buy.

We had one small incident. On the way to the theater I found I had forgotten my phone in the car. I had to go back to get it because as with most things these days the tickets for the theater were on my phone (plus of course I needed pictures). While I was away the other three ladies were waiting at the elevator to take it down to the first floor of the parking garage and apparently a man made some not so kind comments about me. Michelle quickly intervened and said no that’s not going to happen, and I appreciated Michelle standing up for me.
While walking to the theater someone else attending the concert noticed that we were trying to get pictures and graciously offered to take a picture for us. We all posed and I thought it turned out really nicely with the Fox sign–and it looked so good I allowed Michelle to include it when she did a Facebook feed later. As I go along, I care a lot less about If I get exposed or not–plus it was just too nice of a picture not to share, and I’m vain.

We headed inside for the show, but that will have to wait until next week.
5 Responses
Wow, this all sounded like a totally amazing night for you and your girl friends. I can’t wait for part 2. All of you looked great in the photo and good for Michelle for putting that goof in his place. Have a wonderful Sundee 😋.
Trish ❤️
Never really done a GNO but yours sounded like fun and with a bit of a wardrobe malfunction in the middle lol
You looked fabulous
Dee, I think both black dresses look great on you. Having a GNO with GG friends would be an awesome time, and having them stand up for you is so supportive. The picture of the four ladies is fabulous!
Thanks Ladies!
Yes, a lot of fun.
A few years ago, I couldn’t imagine a night out like this.
Now I can’t wait until the next time…