Out and About

Stories about our adventures when out of the house, interacting with the great wide world.

CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Sir….You’re Beautiful!

People never cease to amaze me!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Jocelyn Doing Her Thing

Our friend Jocelyn finally gets out again!!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

So Cute!

Let's revisit a Dee post from the past!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Mix-ing it Up!

Pinch me...
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Two Outings

A couple of nondescript days, but anytime out is a gift!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Lunch with Karla and Farewell to Hannah

A Dee-lightful Dee-peat!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

From Cleveland, For Cleveland – Alan Ruck

What a day!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Tri The(n) Pride

I'm tired just reading her adventures, this girl has some stamina!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

A Back-To-Backer

I could not believe the day I was having!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land


The incredible journey continues....