16 Hugs +

My favorite day of every month!

My first Mix party of the year at The Cleveland Museum of Art. The February 2, 2023 Friday started with dinner and drinks with my friend Melissa. We sat at the bar at Bar Italia and had a wonderful time! We chatted up some of the other patrons and enjoyed ourselves until it was time for me to head off to the museum. Mel and a few other friends attended the party, so I saw them again later.

I got to the museum a little late and you would have thought I was in danger or something. I am almost always very punctual, this was rare, so my friend (and boss) Liz was worried about me. She gave me hug number one of the night. I figured I would keep count.

The second hug was awesome! I keep people from bringing beverages into the galleries. I am positioned at the bottom of the escalators. Tom, a security guard, who must be 6′ 4″ and looks like a former Marine, loves when I am working because no one gets past me. When he saw me, hug number two occurred. Don’t worry, I won’t recant all of them, but there were sixteen, if my bourbon soaked memory serves me. I had to work alone (I usually have a partner in crime), for three hours. Person after person, friend after friend, came up to chat, say hello or wrap me in a hug. One fabulous evening!

I was very pleased with the outfit. Sometimes they actually put themselves together. The dress, perfection! The sweater was necessary because of the bitter cold that evening and the booties, a $3 steal from Penney’s the day before.

For a similar sweater, click here! For a similar dress, click here!

It’s great to have friends! It is great to be loved and accepted, completely.

The following day, February 4, 2023, I had a photo shoot as part of This is Trans: a photography journey of awareness and love. The exhibition is growing and will soon be taken on the road to cities all across the United States and Canada. My portrait, as well as those of the others that participate, will hang as part of the exhibition at Cleveland’s Studio West 117.

The photo shoot was amazing and you will, of course, hear about it later. Since we took about 125 photos, I only snapped a few at home before heading out the door.

More on this soon!

One of my favorite eye shadow pallets!


10 Responses

  1. Kandi,
    It’s very easy to become paranoid about timing , I always turned up early when i had to photograph a wedding . On one occasion I entered into a converstion with a vicar on this almost parnoia of mine , he admit he had the same problem , he would sometimes check out a church at 9.00am even if the wedding wasn’t until 2.00 pm . I hated turning wedding bookings down , not for the sake of the money but when they almost pleaded because I had photographed other family members or close friends . I finally learned my lesson when I was delayed at a wedding reception and had to attend a following wedding some miles away . I was travelling at 97 mph in a 50 mph limit when stopped by waiting police after being clocked by radar . They weren’t very sympathetic and I admit neither was I as i knew they were going to make me even later . The outcome was i made it to the church just in the nick of time but then the law caught up with me and fined me heavily and banned me for three months .

    So I decided in the future it was first come first served and usually only covered one wedding per day . I know I could have caused a serious accident and perhaps killed someone for the sake of a few photographs .

    As for hugs well they were very scarce on that particular day .

    On the subject of hugs it does take a while to become comfortable with them , it’s not something guys do often , how hard does a woman hug another woman . Sometimes I give a light kiss on the cheek , again at first that was an odd experience seeing your lipstick on someone else’s cheek .

  2. Kandi,

    Speaking of hugs – don’t forget that you, Ana Cristy and I are scheduled to have a 3 way hug at Keystone. Only 24 days left, I am so psyched, my first time there.


    1. I don’t do three ways……okay, I’ll make this one exception!

      Find me since you know what I look like and I haven’t had the honor of meeting you yet (at least I don’t believe so).


  3. Hi there,

    I hope you’re doing well!

    I wanted to ask, do you know how tall Tom is? I’m curious about his height because I work in security and I’m always trying to stay one step ahead of anyone who might try to bring beverages into the galleries.

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