Travelogue: Dee-Va Las Vegas, Tues-Dee

Deeeeee-vaaaaa Las Vegas (sung in an Elvis voice)!

Dee two (of five) of my Las Vegas adventure. 

First up was an 11 AM (during the summer it’s open until 2 AM) group gathering at Top Golf. There were about a dozen of us and my first chance to meet some of the other attendees (and to try to remember their names).

Top Golf is essentially a glorified driving range with targets to shoot at (other than the carts picking up balls, of course). The targets are big circles divided into slices of pies with bulls-eyes in the middle. Shots hit into the targets earned points, although I never did figure out what the scoring system was. There were also high tech monitors that showed the ball speed, carry, height, etc.–the stuff you see on the Golf Channel.

Top Golf is more pricy that the normal driving range, but the food and drink (included in the price) was also an upgrade from the standard hot dogs. To be honest, the focus was more on food and conversation than shots and scores, but both were enjoyable and it was a nice couple of hours. We also had leftovers so I grabbed a couple of takeaway boxes to have later.

After walking back to the LINQ (the first time, I think, that Google Maps has guided me through a shopping mall), I checked in a downstairs lounge (after wandering around for about 10 minutes trying to find it) to get my ID tag. Dee-Va Las Vegas doesn’t have any “official” activities like classes, but instead gatherings like Top Golf, but the name tags are useful when trying to learn other’s names.

One of my informal goals was to hit the pool every day. I packed about five swimsuits and four covers. The temperatures were warm–in the lower 80’s–but with the low desert humidity it wasn’t unbearably hot (always an issue wearing a wig). I went for a brief dip–with the wig actual swimming isn’t an option–but mostly sat poolside, enjoying being out in a bikini. Much of the time I spent at the pool was entering golf scores in my tablet (I’m the score keeper for our golf group, and Tues-Dees are golf days); if the guys in my group only knew I was doing the scores in a bikini by the pool…..

Dinner was at a Bahama Breeze about a half hour walk away, and the official opening event for the week. When I picked up my ID I found out about one hundred were registered, and I guessed about fifty were at the dinner, but I didn’t do a real count. Again, a chance to meet other attendees, although several who I met I didn’t see again the rest of my time. Part of the meeting process is learning the other’s story, like how they deal with the issues of being a crossdresser, like spouses, significant others, etc.

After my walk back to the LINQ–and a peek at the new Sphere, all lit up–I decided to try my luck with the video poker machines. I made my normal investment–$20–and courtesy of a $10 four of a kind, ended up with $31, when I called it a night, with day two in the books. Day three–Dee three–next week.


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