Top Ten List!

The Top Ten All-Time Posts since the beginning of Kandi's Land 2.0 April 1, 2021.

The following are the Top Ten All-Time posts since we started this version of Kandi’s Land almost four years ago.

Who doesn’t like a countdown on New Year’s Eve?

10. The Life of An Actress


8. Alexandra’s Thoughts On Crossdressing

7. Tina’s Recovery Photo Shoots

6. Interview With a Difference Maker Version 2.1


4. What Is It About Legs?

3. An Open Letter to Our Wives

2. Crossdressing as a Hobby vs. Crossdressing as a Vice

The all-time, all-timer, Numero uno: Is a CD Necessarily Transgender?

The gap between one and two is significant and the gap between two and the rest is just as big. What pleases me most is that many of our Contributors are represented here. I have almost as many posts here as everyone combined and I barely made the list. And that is [insert chef’s kiss here]!

Happy New Year all and a great big thank you to two ladies that make this place even possible, Dee and Gwen. Their openness and (believe me THIS is important) dependability is remarkable.

We will continue to strive for differing vantage points to all of this and we will always keep our eye firmly on providing love and support.


10 Responses

  1. A great count down list Kandi. And very appropriate for year end.

    Your work here on Kandi’s Land is remarkable. Thank you. You are a difference maker in so many lives.


      1. Kandi,
        Some people live in total fear , they may appreciate your work the most , perhaps one day they may be as brave as you only because you reveal your life in Kandi’s Land to all .

        Don’t we all remember the time we took our first picture or our first shopping outing , or evening drive .

      2. All of this KL is YOUR work. Without you, none of the high ranking posts would exist.

        Happy New Year to you and all the KL readers and Contributors.


  2. Kandi,
    I would possibly never hit the top ten listing but that doesn’t bother me , when I was a member of my thoughts were if I could help one person on her journey then it’s been worth it . I realise being full time makes me a minority but it mustn’t be forgotten I’ve travelled a similar road to many here . Am I the lucky one or the unlucky one ? The important point is I know what price it comes at , I learned some hard lessons but the bottom line is if you’re transgender then so be it , nothing can change that . Perhaps the hardest lesson is being true to yourself , it took me far too long the dicover that fact but in finding the truth I became a better person . You can’t live your entire life selling yourself short , YOU matter if you are to fully function as a human being , no it’s not selfish because I now contibute more as Teresa than I did as a man .

  3. Not surprised in the slightest that #1 is a CD/Transgender topic. Most of us are introspective and are searching about ourselves. We google key phrases and want to learn. I am sure a lot of traffic to that #1 post is people trying to wrestle with their inner self, is this a CD hobby? or is it more? Is it identity?

    And further from identity, then you ask yourself should your transition? or not?

    We are all searching for answers on WHERE we land on the Gender Variance scale.

    1. Amen, sister! We’ve all been there and to those that have it figured out, I envy them. I still grapple with it, but at least have accepted it and made it joyful, but I think I personally attribute that to getting old and flipping the switch on not caring what people think of me regardless of the situation or my gender at the time.

      Thanks Christina and Happy New Year!

  4. I would say that at the top of it all is the enthusiasm, time and effort that you invest in making this such a comprehensive and useful source of information, support and sisterhood, Kandi! Without you, our thoughts and experiences would be lost in isolation. Happy New Year and may Kadi’s Land continue to provide help to so many in our community!

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