Six Years of Kandi’s Land!

Get your coffee, grab a piece and let's talk!

What else can you do in your life where you are smiling, joyful, happy, the entire time? 100% of it? Without even thinking about it?

I have so many things in my life that bring me happiness. I love my family, would give my life for them. I have no idea why, but I was given a gift, my wife, that I simply do not deserve and am unbelievably grateful for. I have multiple life long friends. My passion for music is eternal. It permeates my life. It fills my days, provides a link with our children, gives my wife and I a reason to get out for an evening (or at least it used to). I am reminded frequently how great it is that my acceptance of all of this has transformed my body and allowed me to become a part of a community of great people that compete often, pushing themselves and then supporting each other in the unique community of runners. I am proud to have become a part of that community. I have had the same experience, but not as challenging athletically, in the pickleball community.

But “this”, whatever you want to call “this”, whatever it is for you, is remarkable. It is internally satisfying. As we all know, it fulfills the need. Beyond that, it draws the attention of so many, in such a positive fashion (for me). My gender is obviously identifiable to anyone with eyes. And that brings the love, smiles, hugs, kind comments, things that simply would not exist otherwise.

I still and will always have my WTF moments, but the pure joy of it all always brings me back to the simple conclusion I am thankful for who and what I am and that I can see the reality of it all and get out there and spread the love (or at least used to)! Be you. Be happy. Be smart, appropriate, confident and visible.

Kandi’s Land was a knee-jerk reaction, just me noodling about. It grew, it prospered. It has a literal worldwide readership. We are the little engine that could. We are the blog ignored. But we persist, we actually go out and represent. We support each other. We love each other. We make a difference! We are real and we move forward into year seven. What is next?

The first photo posted on this version of the blog. My makeup skills still clearly evolving.

[Taken during a COVID lockdown, stuck-at-home, selfie photo shoot.]

Let’s have a cup together every day and share our experiences with others.

Let me remind everyone, I want your help. Contributors, please bring us more! Readers, comment as you are comfortable. Anyone else interested in sharing here, please do so. Ideas, let’s hear them.

No one brings it like we do EVERY SINGLE DAY! Actually going out, actually being that every day woman, actually navigating the world. This is work and it is also a passion, a blessing.


22 Responses

  1. Kandi,
    That’s a very thoughtful question , ” WHAT IS NEXT ?”

    What is your long term plan with this wonderful site ? There are so many directions you could take it from here , do you now quietly stand still or try and offer an extended one that covers more of the transgender spectrum , perhaps it begs the question is the demand there anymore . Often sites like this are frequented by an older audience , is there a need within the younger trans community , if so how do you go out and access their needs ? Personally I feel there wil always be a need for help and support online , I had very few places to turn to when I started out on this scary voyage of discovery .

    I hope you don’t mind me asking a more personal question but if the need to be Kandi diminished or you stopped through a request from your wife and family , would Kandi’s Land also fade away ?

    For the present it’s great to see you celebrate six years of Kandi’s Land , sharing high and lows with others and some wonderful stories is something to look forward to , I hope in some small way I’ve have contributed a little through being a member here .

    1. Teresa,

      I always welcome the questions. There is no grand plan except to simply continue to evolve. I have to remind everyone that running this blog takes up A LOT of my time and costs me real out of pocket money. I know no one (including me) likes all the ads, but they offset my loss on this enterprise slightly. My life’s priorities have to remain focused on making a living, providing for my wife and maybe retiring before life retires me. So to answer your question honestly, we’ll see!

      I cannot ever foresee Kandi diminishing, although though her place in the world could change one way or the other. But again, we’ll see!


  2. Kandi and All The Readers,

    Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary!

    I started reading Kandi’s Land four years ago. It was just after I emerged from a 32 year hiatus following “the purge”. I needed something very special to help me along the transgender spectrum. It was Kandi’s Land.

    The support, joy, friendship, encouragement and training I have received here is truly remarkable. I would not be the person I am today without Kandi’s Land. I would not be the woman I am without Kandi’s Land.

    Thank you everyone.

    Thank you Kandi.

    I love you.

    Jocelyn Johnson

    1. It is people like you, Jocelyn and as I write this, many ladies have have spent the last 2 days with in Erie, that make this a special place for me and have me counting my blessings! I look forward to seeing you in the flesh very soon!

  3. Kandi, thank you on behalf of all of the closeted CDers who visit here for everything you do – this is an amazing achievement and it is a privilege to be a part of it. I am living proof of the positive impact that Kandi’s Land has on this community, not least because of the strength and inspiration it gave me back in January when I was faced with confronting Mrs A for a second time about this.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  4. Congratulations on the 6th Anniversary. I admire the time and effort you have invested in creating content and sustaining that effort, day in and day out, for six years. I know I couldn’t do it. That’s awesome!

  5. Kandi your are my bestie whom I’ve never really met. You have brightened my days more than you know when I was going through a lot in my life.
    Through your blog I’ve seen that we can be who we are in the real world and be happy with ourselves
    I still have my bad days but I can always read a day from your blog and smile.
    Thank you and congratulations on 6 years.
    I’ve considered adding a post here but not sure how to go about it one from my perspective of being fluid
    Hugs and love ya Rach

  6. Kandi, I don’t know what to say or how to say it but I’ll try. You and I both know what you and Kandi’s Land has done for this girl. My whole life changed for the good in the time it took for one email from you to reach me. I can only imagine the number of girls that you have helped over these six years. I am so very thankful that I found you and I can say with complete certainty that there is a special place in Heaven for you my friend.

    Love always,
    Trish 💖💋

  7. Happy Anniversary, Kandi. I read the blog everyday, comment occasionally. Just want you to know that this is often the first thing I read before getting out of bed. Lol. I enjoy all of your contributors. I wish you well and hope that the next 6 years keep you healthy and somewhat more prosperous.

  8. Kandi, I’ve been here with you for the life of Kandi’s Land, although it took me several months before I commented and several more before I contributed. What you have done for me in particular is get me over the fear of being outside, especially during the daytime. While my opportunities are few, I do make the most of them when they arise. I hope you’ve had a good time at Lake Erie, I am once again looking at First Event in January for getting out.

    Happy anniversary to Kandi’s Land, long may she continue (and you too my friend)! ❤️

    1. You are such a doll! On those occasions when you do get out, it fills me with joy to see the happiness on your face. Thank you for being a lynchpin in this community.

  9. Congratulations on this glorious effort that you have put together for this five years, Kandi. You provide a forum for all to communicate, share experiences and, above all, learn and make friends. I am sure everyone appreciates the effort, time and money you have put into Kandi’s Land. I am proud to call you a friend and to be part of this wonderful world! Thank you my dear sister and may Kandi’s Land keep going for many years to come!

  10. Being part of Kandis-Land and having you as a friend has made my life as Fiona a much richer experience that it would have otherwise been. Thanks for all the effort you put into this wonderful site.

    Here’s to the next six years!

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