She’s Back….

Our beautiful friend, Jocelyn, paid her annual visit on her way to warmer weather.

Read about her February 16, 2023, March 4, 2023, January 27, 2024 and February 10, 2024 visits.

Jocelyn was planning to be in town for a few days, arriving on Saturday, February 15, 2025 and departing the following Monday. As an aside, the weather was awful throughout her visit, limiting our flexibility somewhat. We had dinner Saturday evening. I wish I could spin a fabulous tale. It was a simple evening, two ladies dining, enjoying a glass of wine (more so by me as you would expect), talking. Sharing. Just enjoying each other’s company. That was the sum and substance of the evening, but for me, it was, is and always will be a blessing!

The following morning, February 16, 2025, we reconvened and braved (and it was a bit of bravery due to the sloppiness of the drive) the trip to my happy place, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We spent a few hours there, nothing new to me, but I simply love being there and bringing a friend who hadn’t been there in quite a while. Despite the weather, it was surprisingly crowded.

The highlight for me was seeing for the hundredth time The Power of Rock Experience. This was a movie put together in 2017 and is a conglomeration of performances from the induction ceremonies. There are two snippets in there that if the camera angle were to be widened, you would see yours truly. I was telling Jocelyn at dinner about the single greatest recorded piece of music, Prince’s guitar solo on My Guitar Gently Weeps. I actually weep each and every time I see it in that theater (amazing acoustics). My dear friend scoffed at me until she saw it and agreed with me. I thoroughly enjoyed the 24 hours with her on two occasions. Thank you my friend!

My personal highlight was talking with the obviously aging rocker who runs that show at the Rock Hall. I told him the actual backstory on that solo. Rolling Stone Magazine had just put out a list of the top 50 guitarists of all time. Prince was nowhere to be found. The founder and editor of that magazine also happened to be the chair of the Rock Hall. Prince was not happy and this was basically his FU to The Rolling Stone. The old rocker dude did not know that. My day was made!


Look who is on stage with Prince and he outshone rock royalty. I digress…


11 Responses

  1. Kandi,
    I had a fabulous time. You are a friend beyond description.
    Thank you so much.
    Cleveland is a great city.
    I love you.

  2. Looks like you had a fabulous time, just two ladies out for dinner and tourism. Visiting the Rock Hall would be top of my list when (not if) I get to Cleveland!

  3. Good morning Kandi, I arrived back from Puerto Vallarta at midnight on Saturday. It was so nice to read about your get together with Jocelyn and see the pics. You both looked so pretty and happy.
    The Mexican internet still won’t allow me access to Kandi’s Land. But I’m happy for you both that you were able to meet up again. Love you both.

    Trish ❤️

  4. I just saw that Prince clip recently. I was never a fan of his and had no idea he could wail on the guitar like that. Blew me away!

    1. No surprise, Kandi was right. I had no idea about Prince and his guitar playing expertise. He is one of the best.

  5. You both look so pretty, and glad you had such a wonderful time. I hope to visit the Cleveland area possibly next year. I would love to meet you Kandi?

    1. Jennifer
      It was a fabulous weekend, but wait to hear how I finished it Sunday evening. KL post coming soon.

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