Out and About

Stories about our adventures when out of the house, interacting with the great wide world.


Acting Up

CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Oh, What a Night!

Frankie Valli is smiling somewhere...
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Walking Girl

Dee and Michelle are at it again! Let's all take a look.....again (it's a Dee-peat)!.
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Casual Kandi

Just the woman next door, out and about!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

“Red is Your Color”

I always love opening a Sun-Dee post with a "Cheers!" photo!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Go On, I Dare You!

See, even Amanda shops at Amazon! Check out our Amazon links to support your favorite blog.....

Mary Janes, Ruffle Socks and a Great Time!

Shoes do make all the difference in the world!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Girls Weekend in Kelowna 

To Clare: You are simply awesome! So proud of you!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Vacation in Athens–“B” Side

I'm just happy pulling up R.E.M. logos! Part 2 of our look back with Dee.
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Vacation in Athens–“A” Side

A Dee classic!