December 22, 2022, our attempt to recreate our old Supper Club and we had a second consecutive fabulous holiday party!

See this? If you can do this, you are living a very blessed life!!
Let’s talk about this, an interesting day on so many levels. I will address in a separate post how Instagram outed me to our other daughter on this morning. Suffice as to say it was not a bad thing, but how it happened, not my preferred choice.
My outfit was the second consecutive Christmas outing wearing a dress I acquired very early in my Kandi life. I am a “one and doner” with my outfits, generally. What I do keep, with any items of clothing, are solid colored items. They offer a wide variety of options when assembling an outfit and can be used in a multitude of ways.

Sherry and I met up and headed downtown to introduce her to my friend Darlene, who owns the fabulous Darlafoxx boutique. Sherry will be joining me as a model for some upcoming bridal shows! We then took a bunch of photos in Cleveland’s Tower City, where Darlene’s store is located.

We then went to our Sherry Christmas celebration, at Bar Louie located at the Legacy Village shopping area. We sat at the bar, chatting with folks as one after another of our guests arrived. At the table you see two ladies I met at The Providence House event I worked a week prior, Melissa and Andrea, as well as our friends Sabrina and of course, Sherry. Annie is someone I initially met volunteering for The North Coast Men’s Chorus and has been a dear friend for a while now. Then there is Suzanne and her girlfriend, Liz. We initially met Suzanne at our first Supper Club dinner. This was the first time we met Liz, who came in from Pittsburgh for this dinner. And then……me.

Basically, it was a perfect night! Everyone got along with everyone else so very well. The staff at Bar Louie was simply amazing and treated us like gold!

If you can take just one photo like the above, you are blessed beyond words.
Well, that is a wrap for my 2022 adventures!
8 Responses
This is a lovely group for your Christmas dinner, you all look beautiful. The photos by the large tree are perfect for next year’s cards!
Thanks so much Tina!!
You look fabulous as do all the ladies
What a great time and lovely way to celebrate the holidays
Looking forward to more Kandi’s Land in 2023
Love ya Rach
Thank you Rach for your ongoing kindness!
Hi Kandi,
From your comment on your post……..I’m leading a blessed life. I should send you pics from the luncheon I had with the Gurls in the Burbs and the themed dinner party with The Cornbury Society as they both came to fruition because of you. If you’d like to see them let me know and I’ll email the to you. Have a wonderful evening girl.
Trish 💖
YES! We would love to see those pictures. And we would love to hear the story. And I would love it if you would consider being a contributor here.
Anybody and everybody is welcome to contribute to Kandi’s Land. The more of you all, the less of me, the better!!
Please do!
Hi kandi, I was thinking about what I sent you today on my Vancouver trips. Can that type of thing to be contributed or is that what you were thinking already. You’re more that welcome to put it on your blog. And in the future If I think of something worth putting in does a girl go somewhere special on this site to do that and up load pics if required?
Anyone that wishes to contribute to the site may send information directly to me right now. We are working behind the scenes to make some improvements, but it’s best to send them to me. My e-mail is on the contact page. I do and will always remain the editor-in-chief.
Anyone can submit anything. If it is a simple photo, I would tack it on with something else. We love stories here or points of view on a topic that relates to what we do here.
I generally have about two weeks of posts already queued up, so it won’t run immediately, but it will be seen all over the world (quite literally)!
Thanks Trish!!