This is certainly an evolutionary process. When I am dressed, I simply never want to be anything but a woman, all the time, 24/7. It thrills me to my core. Then I get cleaned up, reboot as it were, my wife comes home from work and I am filled with the knowledge that I am the luckiest man in the world to be married to this angel. I want nothing more than to be her husband. Our children fill me with pride (yes, I know my gender has nothing to do with that, but for me it absolutely does). Or I do something competitive, I crush my age group in a race or I play very well in a pickleball tournament. The testosterone flows and I am proud of myself. Or I hang with a lifelong friend and I feel lucky to be the guy I am. I am a giant vortex of gender-related emotions.
On August 11, 2021, I relished my femininity. You may not agree with me, but my makeup skills have gotten very good, despite the fact that usually I am applying my make up by braille. If my chin wasn’t so ravaged by years of not giving a crap, I wouldn’t be a bad looking chick!
This day was a two-fer. Art museum information desk shift (blazer) and improv class (sundress). I was a little depressed to be masked again at the museum, but was happy I was able to do so without trashing my face. I worked the desk solo, spent a lot of time working on this here blog and was just in my element in dealing with the public. Kandi (not the male me) has this openness to her. She really is a wonderful woman, I am so pleased to go along with her for the ride!
After my three hour shift, I boogied across town and made it into favorite dining establishment for a bite and the obligatory (for me) cocktail. Then all hell broke loose, with a wicked storm blowing everything, everywhere. We lost power periodically at the restaurant. But I enjoyed my time there, even without any significant social interaction.
Finally improv class was again wonderful. I continue to seek a way to get better at this and do this in front of real people. What pleased me most was we did an exercise that evolved into a men and women scene. The four men did their thing and me and the three other woman did our thing, talking about of “men”.
I continue to evolve. Change. Grow. Love. Seek. Find. Ten or fifteen years ago, the concept that I would even be able to generate income for my family, that I would be a woman out in the world and do so with the angel known as my wife, the reality that I can crush my fellow elderly in races and be a supportive and loving son to my Mom was unthinkable.
Here is another reminder of what it’s all about.

Check out the new Bridal Gallery!
Tickets available to see me walk the runway, get yours soon!!
6 Responses
First of all, you look great in the dress and your makeup is very well done. You are a beautiful looking lady.
Secondly, at this point in your/my lives (being closer to the end rather than the beginning), I think our thoughts should be solely focused on enjoying the moment. There is no need to be asking why and seeking an answer; just go with your situation and have fun, and love it all.
Yeah, but if I don’t ask why, then what will I have to talk about here??
You are so right!!
Kandi, I love the dress, the simple addition of the blazer is such a classic look for the museum. Your makeup and glasses are beautiful in the close-up. We all have our paths to follow, taking the time to enjoy and share the beauty of life along the way is your gift to the rest of us! ❤
And I give it happily, all wrapped up in a big pink bow!!
Kandi my dear your beauty always shines through inside and out.
Yes as we age I think we all began to understand how can we make a difference to those who come after.
As we see in the news we still live in a troubled world I only hope that as I go about I can show love to all those I encounter
Love ya
Love. The answer. Thanks Rach.