Winding It Down

Time for a break.

Two more CIFF shifts remaining, but on this day, I was quite busy!

April 11, 2024 began at a networking event for ILEA. I may sound like a broken record, but going about my business looking like this, wonderful! Going about my business, being recognized and positively welcomed, fabulous!

After a couple of hours at this event, I headed over to Cleveland Browns Stadium where our company was setting up for an open house. Sherri and I got caught up and then it was off to the local restaurant where my first event (that I am helping plan and manage) is being held. We discussed details and did a walk through of the space. After the meeting, I had a glass of wine and a bite to eat while checking emails.

My very long and busy day ended with a five hour CIFF shift. There were two good stories from my shift. We chatted extensively with an older couple about quite a few things. When they had to leave to attend their play, the woman told me I was a hoot. My response: “Yes, I am!”.

I saw a friend who is a fellow actor who has really gotten traction. His first time getting involved with acting was in one of my improv classes. Since then he has done quite a bit, including commercials and an appearance in Chicago PD. He is also in two films that are playing at the festival. We hugged and got caught up. Well, I was getting bored so I wandered in to a theater with the intention of watching one short. Now I have yet to see anything at the festival nine days into it. I walk in and happen to see my friend up on the screen. Then I see another friend in the film. It was a delightful five minute short. I then stayed to watch the next short, which was a film on a trans person. Ten minutes and I got to see two meaningful (to me) shorts. Then as I left, I ran into another friend who I came to find out wrote and directed the short with that my friends were in. Wow! Cool experiences.

April 13, 2024, closing night. I was able to see one movie, a fabulous documentary on The Black Keys. Then I worked until all was completed and I was truly exhausted. I will let the pictures tell this story in one of my better outfits. Plenty of compliments and people noticing me on this day.

The work at the festival, done. Looks like my work at the boutique, done. Both were short term, seasonal opportunities. I am returning to some semblance of normalcy. Kandi days over the coming few weeks will be far, far fewer. I will chose not to take advantage of any such opportunities as I need to ground myself a bit. Since I am making a portion of my living as Kandi, I need to make sure my wife’s husband does not get lost in the wash, so to speak.

Our 2024 staff “Class Photo”. I do believe you can find me in here (the jacket really helps!).


2 Responses

  1. Kandi, the black and white look is fantastic, and I love your heart jewelry. The striped jacket is a winner as well, it’s easy to find you in a crowd!

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