Take a look at the above photo. It won’t mean anything to 99.9% of my readers, but this is the front of The Cleveland Museum of Art, lit up for our annual Solstice celebration. It was awesome (in the most literal sense of the word), it was attended by thousands of people and probably 95% of them had at least a brief interaction with me. I was even greeted with a familiar “great to see you again” by the President of the Rock Hall.
I was blessed with the role I was meant to play, the main greeter for this event. June 24, 2023 was a wonderful evening!

I thought the dress was perfect for the event and based on the many, many compliments I received, it was a hit! This event is held both inside the tremendous atrium with food, drink and a DJ and outside on the front entrance steps and in front of Wade Oval. As I greeted folks, literally talking nonstop for about 90 minutes, I collected many hugs from friends and a few from folks I had never met before.

Knowing my neighbors were gone for the weekend (I water their plants when they are out of town), I took a few photos on our (very much in need of staining) deck.
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When I took that picture that opened the post, I was filled with awe that I am a very, very small part of this amazing institution. But I do know one thing, I am known and known by many! I never take my responsibility to represent my sisters well lightly. Each and every compliment that I received was for one simple reason. I fooled no one but was admired for my ability to be myself in such an open, public and (I must say….stop patting yourself on the back, girl!) stylish manner.
I reflect on my great fortune on this day (the day this post initially runs) as I get the results from my recent biopsy. I fear nothing regarding this diagnosis, knowing the possibility of anything long term or fatal is miniscule. Many, many have more struggles and issues than I could ever have. We have a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs, wonderful children who are now successful adults, our bills get paid and I get to walk around looking like this! Who am I to complain?
12 Responses
A beautiful woman in a colourful dress like that will draw anyone’s attention away from the light show at the front of the museum. Well done.
Praying for good news for you today.
Lots of love,
The love will make it alright! I know that.
Kandi, great post and pics as always. You are in my prayers and thoughts. Health issues always puts things in perspective.
Yours Terri
Amen sister! And thank you!!
What a beautiful lady…thank you for all you do for our community.
Good luck with your surgery, god bless you!
Thank you darling! You are amazing and such an inspiration!
BTW, anytime you want to grace us with a post, the floor is all yours!
Half this place is UK-based any way!
Love it! My neighborhood has a big, long running Solstice Parade tradition. I attended in fashionable finerie, and collected hugs and selfies from friends and strangers as well. It’s my favorite annual neighborhood event! My wife pointed out that it was also my most public presentation to date and that she was very proud of me. Yay, love!
Welcome Nikki!!
Nothing like a bold colorful dress and as usual you wore it well my friend
Like others here have said you represent well this sisterhood and I thank you
Prayers also for good results
Let’s just say, your prayers have helped!
You represent we/we/all (?) “sisters exceptionally well, Kandi! Thank you!
And that dress should be part of every solstice celebration.
Love ya, and pullin’ for ya!
Unfortunately, that dress has already been sold and off to her next owner!