Practicing My Craft

A wonderful 24 hours!

Due to Thanksgiving and my wife’s vacation, I had not been able to get dressed in about a week, but I am not complaining. On December 2, 2021 I signed up for am improv workshop with a delightful woman, Dana Quercioli, who has been doing it for over 25 years, now making her living in LA. She is a native Clevelander, home for the holidays. I was very fortunate to have done this and had an amazing time!

I wore this cute and casual outfit, feeling wonderful and very comfortable, both in the clothing and in my own skin. My first stop was to exchange an upcoming Christmas gift, which I had purchased the previous day in male mode. I made the exchange as you see here and it was not only a nonissue, it was a delightful experience.

I then stopped at a Plexus Holiday party briefly, dropping off some gifts to be donated (as everyone did) for Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital. There I chatted with a friend and grabbed a bite to eat.

The workshop was wonderful! We did a number of different exercises. The class was mostly women, we had 13 performers in total. All of the women were awesome, so talented, so able to emote, melding into different characters, I learned so much from everyone.

Dana was simply amazing! She was (obviously) witty, laugh-out-loud funny, intelligent, knowledgeable and a true delight. She claimed at the end of the workshop that I did well and asked if she could give me a hug (what do you think was my response?).

Afterward we went to a nearby bar (I drank sparkling water) and I had the opportunity to listen to three of my more talented peers and two people who made and make a living in Hollywood. Priceless. I collected a few more hugs to end the evening and drove home smiling from ear to ear!

The next morning I had a shift at The Cleveland Museum of Art Information Desk, December 3, 2021. No big story, I worked my shift, chatted with some other women that I work with and again, was uber comfortable being the woman I am. Afterward it was time to train, grab dinner, do the grocery shopping and run some errands with my wife (I cleaned up for the second half of the day).

Yeah, I know how lucky I am…..


6 Responses

  1. Glad you got some Kandi time I know how much you enjoy it.
    That white sweater and print pants are so cute

    I’m hopping to get out and actually do some shopping.
    And just enjoy being me
    Hugs Rachael

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