First allow me to thank the wonderful Ladies of Kandi’s Land from yesterday, those pictured and those not. Many left such wonderful comments and unlike most days where I am the “poster” as it were, I declined to respond to comments. I was simply the Stage Manager. In any great performance, the Stage Manger is crucial, but doesn’t often get publicly recognized until the final curtain. I recently explained to some friends that this place is dramatically different for all of you than it is for me. I built the house, I prune the trees, paint the walls, keep the grass cut, make sure the security system works. You all live here. It’s your place. Enjoy! My rewards are (hopefully) on the other side. One of these days (and I do believe that will be soon) karma owes me. ❤️
April 24, 2024…this is how we went to work.

A couple of hours at work, then a bit of grocery shopping. Yep, boring normality.
April 25, 2024 I attended the Annual Meeting/Luncheon for The Providence House, a favorite charity.

Drove there, attending by myself. Sat at a table with three folks from a local business, a couple and a woman my senior. No one I knew previously. The gentlemen that sat at my right recognized me from the film festival (again, seen one place, remembered and acknowledged somewhere else). We had a great conversation. The woman who sat at my left and I really hit it off. She complimented me on my blouse, then later on my earrings, then on my overall look. We talked quite a bit and she said she sensed a gentleness in my soul. So I got that going for me!
It’s also nice when in a banquet hall full of people, many high flyers, the CEO of The Providence House makes a point of finding me and giving me the big hug. I clearly wasn’t the big money donor there.

I did look pretty good…. That’s was it, there and back, again normalcy. A lovely afternoon for me.
April 26, 2024, volunteering for an HRC event, bowling. Grabbed a bite prior and had some fun for a few hours checking folks in and chatting with many. No great story but another nice experience for me.

3 Responses
Thank you my friend!!
You do such a wonderful job as stage manager, Kandi. I feel like I spend a lot of time outside of this lovely house that you made and take care of. I’m always glad to have the chance to come back inside to spend a little time. Thank you for the hard work and effort you put into it to make it so nice for those of us that want to live there.