Give, if you can, to the American Heart Association.
I have a long history of giving my time to the annual fundraiser, see 2023 and 2024 here. Many other such events are on the blog, as well as pre-pandemic and on the old blog (RIP).
To my sisters out there. If you want the ultimate feminine experience (and this is coming from a bridal model and having come off my boudoir photo shoot), this is it. Giving your time to a completely female charity and being welcomed and accepted as just another woman. So great!
I decided to bring my Jocelyn outfit (from years past) out for one final spin in front of hundreds of ladies. And doing so with grace and flash. How’d we do?? Faux leather leggings, a cuddly red sweater, multiple shoe options, what’s a girl to do??

January 21, 2025, I helped as one of the main greeters for the event, then helped with the live paddle raise during the luncheon. I met so many nice people, I made new friends, I saw other friends. Smiles, hugs, good feeling. Time more than well spent by me, an honorable and inspiring event and charity.
If that wasn’t enough, I was asked to work Cleveland International Film Festival’s Get Shorty fundraiser. One very long day, all downtown (Cleveland). The Heart Association event at our convention center. Get Shorty at the fab Playhouse Square. Let’s pick this back up tomorrow…
7 Responses
You do way more than your share of volunteer work; well done.
Of course, you look fabulous in that outfit. I really love the leggings. You have a great figure.
I miss you. See you next week.
Dear Kandi
You look lovely in red sweater with black faux leather leggings.(Make you look slim). Question: How far able to stand or walk in those 5 inch silver heels?
Hugs, Priciila
Kandi, Dear Friend,
We are on the same wavelength again. Spent this Sunday after church in RED.. Red sweater, red and green plaid leggings and three inch red booties, topped off with a new reddish-blonde shoulder length lose flowing crown.
Visited a Bakery Shop, picked up some munchies for the evening, then Chai-Tea and a lemon square. Enjoyed all in comfy chair by the crackling fireplace reading a story from Femulate —A SUMMER IN SATIN – For at least the twelfth time. Great read. perfect for our imagination and dream.
Thank You all-Stana- author and You.
Marie Anne Greene
Kandi, you look fabulous in the red sweater. I like the heels, but I bet you wore the boots to the actual event.
Definitely a great cause.
You look fabulous in your red as well
Hi Kandi , you are amazing and so generous with your time. As I have said many times, a true inspiration. You looked amazing. Your outfit was so cute. Lot of love across the globe. Thanks for being you 😘❤️
Visability is key!
Your vibrant personality must outshine many other potential volunteers.
You go girl!