Cleveland International Film Festival – Triggered

One amazing experience after another....

I kept up my end of the bargain, I came to view the above film on Sunday, April 3, 2022. And it was so worth it!

I got dressed, did some more shopping (for the new basement gym) and headed downtown. Walking through the festival, for me, is such a high. I keep seeing people that know or remember me, from so many different places where I know or met them.

I was one of the first to be seated and sat right behind a reserved row (knowing it would pay off). I later got to chat briefly with the director and star of the one other fantastic films (he was part of the Letterman show).

To set the story, I met Tara Westwood and her assistant Mariah, the prior Thursday. We chatted at length and Tara made me promise to come to her premier. I am certainly a woman of my word! While sitting there waiting for the films to begin, I see Mariah walk across the theater to thank me for coming! We hugged (a few times). For her to remember me and make the effort to acknowledge me being there, yeah, I teared up. How amazing!

All I can say is her film, which was her directorial debut, Triggered, was fabulous. I am not saying that because I know her, because there were two other films (it was a number of short films we saw) equally outstanding. Afterward, she and the director of the other amazing film (in my opinion) answered questions, along with two of Tara’s costars. After the Q&A, many hugs ensued and true to her word, the photo I made her promise me occurred!

This woman is supremely talented, an amazing soul and just the most down to earth human being. I am blessed to have met her!

Oh yeah, and then I was able to chat and take a photo with the co-stars.

Robert John Burke is a very successful character actor, in many different shows and films. He was in a very favorite show of mine, Rescue Me as well as being on Law & Order SVU. Isiah Whitlock, Jr. was in the absolute best TV show in history, The Wire, as well as in a recent gem, Your Honor, along with Bryan Cranston.

Another amazing experience. I asked Mariah if she had my contact information and she said Tara did. I told her I hope she doesn’t throw it away….you never know if I’ll hear from them again!

If you are interested in my Boston experience, from a purely competitive standpoint, I was awful. A good hour longer than my worst previous marathon. That said, my experience was other-worldly! The city of Bostin was amazing! Anyone walking around in Marathon gear, which I was doing, was treated like as rock star. I believe I set the marathon record for high fives with the fans along the course, along the entire 26.2 miles. I smiled the entire time. This was a highlight of my entire life. Now I hope to be able to walk someday, the race was brutal. I would do it again in a heart beat, but I am certain I will never be able to qualify again.


2 Responses

  1. Just another fantastic day in the life of Kandi.
    You look so great and you are an inspiration to many
    I don’t have the flexibility you do but the things you do is just amazing
    Hugs Rachael

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