Cleveland International Film Festival – Day Four

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away and you have their shoes."

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away and you have their shoes.” An inspirational quote on the CIFF movie board listing the films playing.

April 7, 2022 was my fourth day at work for the festival. A full day for sure. I reported to work and got our fundraising station set up and then spent the bulk of the day talking with patrons and fellow staff. It was simply just a wonderful day to spend in a wonderful dress, which I was able to wear for over twelve hours.

I have also developed a wonderful friendship with a fellow staffer, who is also a photographer, specializing in weddings and boudoir. We are planning a boudoir shoot soon! She has been taking my on-site photographs this week.

After my shift, I did what I always do, Happy Hour! And as usual, I was not disappointed. There I met a lovely woman, Silk, who is a fashion blogger and StitchFix stylist, so you know we girls had plenty to talk about. Again, another chance encounter, another wonderful experience!

After Happy Hour, I went to a Cleveland Film Commission networking event. I didn’t stay that long because most of the folks I know were at the festival. But I did have a nice chat with a lovely young lady there for a while.

I cut this event short because I was again invited to a premier, this time by the curator who brought the film to CIFF. The film, My Emptiness and I, was a Spanish film (subtitles) about a transwoman dealing with gender dysphoria and her transition, while trying to meet men as she feared she would end up alone. It was quite touching! I met the director and this is me and my new friend, Ivonne.

Long day, great day!

PS I am in a quote mood. This has nothing to do with my post, but Joe Walsh recently said at an Eagles concert, “It was so much more fun being 20 in the ’70’s than it is being 70 in the ’20’s.” Amen to that!


4 Responses

  1. Kandi
    You just look fabulous in such a gorgeous dress. I’m sure look so good you raised a lot of money. I can’t want for the photo from your planned boudoir photo shoot.
    Davina xxx

  2. What a great dress, it looks amazingly comfortable! I’ve said it before, but I am always envious of how easily you make new friends. Maybe it’s different here in New England, where it seems very few people talk to “strangers”, no matter how friendly!

    1. Well, Tina, my recent experience in Boston was the same as you have read here, I made a bunch of new friends and loved every second of my time in Boston (well, maybe not that last unexpected hour of my marathon!). But that was Patriot’s Day/Race Weekend, so I am pretty sure everyone was in a celebratory mood. It is a gift that I have been given, but so far, haven’t figured out what to do with it.

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