Out and About

Stories about our adventures when out of the house, interacting with the great wide world.

CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

The Black Vanguard

This was a long time coming!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Cleveland, Baby! (2018)

This Dee-peat is a personal favorite!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

A Good Day!

We revisit this early Jocelyn post!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Sabrina’s Big Night!

A day out alone, then joined by one friend, and then another in what was such a memorable experience!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

“I Think I See Two!”

Just another busy day, just another way to incorporate Kandi into my everyday life.
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Lemons and Lemonade

Never a dull moment....
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Another Full Day Out in Public in a Dress

Loving who I have become!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Confidence, Part 4

Our part-time Aussie correspondent wraps her visit!

Cleveland International Film Festival – Closing Day

It just kept getting better and better.
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Scratching The Itch

Another walk into the Dee archives!