We continue archiving my backlog of photoshoots.

Looking for something to watch this weekend? Enjoy yours truly in “Calendar”. You won’t have to wait long to see me as I am in the opening few seconds of the film (the cute bartender), also in the Easter scene (member of the congregation). I am very proud to have been in this one. We’re on Tubi (free) as well as on Amazon Prime.
Tubi: https://link.tubi.tv/uuRqbOjcSOb
Amazon Prime: https://watch.amazon.com/detail…
6 Responses
That wig color and hairstyle is you. It’s your best look. It frames your face nicely. Love it. Randi
Thank you so much!
I agree with Randi, I love this look
Wow! Love the look, the hair looks amazing ( but you always look amazing! ) and I love the outfit. Can’t beat classic style 😍
Thank you darling!!