By Jocelyn Johnson

For those people who have read my past posts here in Kandi’s Land, you know I really enjoy wearing a skirt and stockings or a dress and pantyhose, all with shoes that have heels. And occasionally that attire might have been a little overdressed for the purpose of my outing.
Well, earlier this week I thought I would try something new; grocery shopping in totally appropriate clothes.
But the day was hot, 32C or 90F. Shorts and a scoop neck shirt with running shoes, and absolutely no stockings. I also applied minimal makeup.
I started the day by a stop at the bank and post office, nothing new for this lady. And then to the local grocery store for the regular family shopping; a first en femme.
All the interactions in the store were normal. Ordering sliced meat at the deli counter and discussing types and quantities. Being kindly treated like any other lady. Wandering the aisles and filling my cart with the required food items. All with informal hellos to strangers as we maneuvered our shopping carts past each other.

The check out with the cashier was a friendly conversation. And back to the car for the trip home. Everyone was going about their own business, as was I. What a wonderful feeling being myself, all the time trying to stay cool like all the other women in town.
I completed my journey by going for a walk in the park. Who knew, I can be just as happy wearing shorts, t-shirt and sneakers.
But, I prefer the feeling of a skirt brushing against my legs. The variety of clothes a woman may wear is wonderful.
See you on the streets!
12 Responses
I will admit it’s nice to ” glam ” it up a bit sometimes but we have to accept dressing appropriately is the right way to go if we want to be part of society . I prefer to wear dresses or skirts but accept trousers or jeans now , it’s just being practical . It follows that we have to choose shoes and accesories that make the whole outfit . On the plus side it is lovely to have the choices women have , you may not wear an item for weeks then it’s becomes a treat to give it an airing . Today for instance it’s showery , so I went out in a new lightweight raincoat I bought in the sales some months ago .
I know I’ve said it before but the nicest compliment we can recieve is actually no comment at all , it’s also important to remember that the second glance may not be because you’ve been read but they’ve taken a second look at your outfit .
Thanks for commenting and for providing practical advice.
I agree that being appropriate for the circumstances is the best thing to do.
The shorts and t-shirt I wore were appropriate for the hot temperature and the task of grocery shopping, but the bright teal colour makes the outfit stand out.
Variety is “the spice of life”.
What a wonderful story. It is amazing to be yourself. Thanks for sharing!
I’m glad you liked my post. It was a wonderful day, plus a fabulous experience of being the woman I want to be.
Thank you for commenting.
I’m one who defiantly falls in the category of just wearing what I do to blend.
I do love dresses but I see so few wearing them that I just feel I would stand out even more, being that I’m 6”2
The dresses I tend to wear are the cute summer sun dresses and that works for me
I try to get a pedicure about once a month in the summer so I can wear my sandals and yes I do have several pairs of cute shorts. I love showing off my legs and trust me it gets hot in Texas so I blend right in
Skorts are another great option in summe
You look great in your shorts my dear and just being me is defiantly the way to go
Shorts and a t-shirt were definitely the proper attire for the hot day. I guess an above the knee skirt would also have been OK.
Thank you so much for the kind words regarding my look. I felt I looked good for grocery shopping. I did blend in with all the other women who were in shorts or capris.
I’m sure you look great in a summer dress.
Now a pedicure is something I haven’t done yet.
Thanks again.
Jocelyn, sounds like a great adventure, thanks for sharing and well done. I always think that ditching the ‘glam’ is an important rite of passage for the likes of us, albeit a scary one. I’m much too fond of my eyeliner and stilettos to contemplate it at the moment but maybe one day?!
Thanks so much for your comments. You have made me think (not good sometimes).
It was just a woman grocery shopping, so not an adventure. But the very casual clothes was different.
The minimal makeup was not something I really liked. I need more makeup to improve my looks. I don’t think I will minimize makeup again.
I really need an event where I have to “glam” myself. Who knows what?????
You will notice no close up pictures this time; minimal makeup!
People have a different opinion on the subject of minimal makeup , while I do agree with you I accept and need basic cover women can get away with it but lest face it not many of them have to sahve everyday . Basic for me means a coloured moistureriser , concealer that matches my foundation colour . Then a light eye colour , pencilled eyebrows with a wax fixative , lightly contured lips using a pencil and usually a medium pink lipstick . As you may recall from my post about my suntan I now mix two shades of foundation , I don’t like going too tanned so prefer a mix of a pink/red base , anf that’s my basic if I’m around the house or out with the other dog walkers . If I’m popping into town I will apply a mineral powder and a touch of blusher .
So what comments do I get ? A lady in my painting group said I looked , ” glammed up ” as did the agent who handles my rental property , both times I played it down thinking they were referring to my clothes . I find it quite amusing that once they’ve seen me a couple of times the ladies start to apply basic makeup .
As for finding events to go out ” glammed up ” , they still appear to be thin on the ground , smart casual is as far as most events go which is often interpreted as , “how can I tart a pair of jeans up ?”
Great comments.
I only need full cover foundation and some brow colouring for minimal makeup.
But to make myself look OK, I also need to add eyeliner, mascara, blush and lipstick.
Sorry I forgot my mascara and eyeliner on my basic list . A very good GG friend suggested I stop lining my lower lids because it made my eyes look smaller , I have to admit she was right . I find the mineral based finishing powder helps cover larger pores men usually have .