A Very Sherry Christmas: Sherry Style

Our hostess' version of the evening.

Sorry Sher, I needed to take some liberties with the post title and yes, I LOVE messing around with creating cool photos!

By the elusive Sherry Greer

Hi everyone, remember me? I hope everyone has been living life the way you have wanted since my last post ❤️. On Thursday December 21, 2023 Kandi and I hosted our annual Christmas party. [Editorial comment: I contributed almost nothing, it was all the Sherry show!] This is the third year we have done this and it has grown larger each year. The first year was maybe six people getting together for dinner. Last year Kandi coined the party “A Very Sherry Christmas” and we had around 12 people, we still just had dinner but definitely a lot more fun with more people! This year it expanded yet again and the guest list rose to 20 people! I invited some, Kandi invited some and some others invited some! I decided this year to have a gift exchange to make it more fun! Everyone brought a gift of around $10 to exchange. We had two rounds where in the first each picked a gift and opened it. In the second round you could steal a gift you wanted from someone else so that made things interesting and fun! 🎁🎁🎁

Who is Jo and why are they so excited about Jo?

We had a good mix of trans and cis women and even one husband! Most people were local but some came from a couple of hours away and one person even came from Indiana which is Ohio’s neighboring state to the West! The party started at 6pm and lasted until after 9:30. We had a room to ourselves which was amazing and we could spread out, there was a table that we used to put the presents on so they were displayed in a pretty way. I was the first one there and as people arrived we all just naturally started conversations and introductions to those we didn’t know. We had one waitress dedicated to our party and she was a love and enjoyed talking with us as much as we did with her! To my knowledge throughout the night the other patrons in the restaurant didn’t care that we were there and went about their evening as we went about ours. It is really amazing to know and feel that you can be you in most situations without feeling closeted. Insert public service announcement here… Ladies, if you are unsure… just get out there… it will be okay!!!

Overall, the evening was a wonderful success! People came to be themselves, the Bar Louie restaurant was extremely accommodating, the waitress was amazing and worked her tail off to make sure we all had what we needed, and mostly, fun was had by all! The evening was so successful that I want to have “A Very Sherry Summer” event! Stay tuned, that will happen sometime in June! I hope everyone has (or did have) a wonderful holiday season ❤️.

This January 3rd will be the 8th anniversary of Sherry (ME) walking out the door for the first time! I have come a long way and still have a long way to go. Along that way I have met many wonderful people and only a couple unpleasant ones. I now have some wonderful friends that I cherish with all my heart because I opened that door to a new world that I belonged in. My wife and I now have a relationship that feels better now than it did before I accepted me. Please look in the mirror and love the reflection you see. Love all of you!

Stay beautiful-Sherry


6 Responses

  1. Sherry,
    It looks and sounds like you and all the guests had a fabulous evening, well done.

    You look great, what an outfit. Very beautiful! Spread the JOY.

    Lots of love,


  2. Sherry,
    For those who haven’t yet ventured out to parties like yours please give it a try as you comment . I was going to say we’ve never had a problem with parties in public venues most staff enjoy the evenings , they have as much fun as we did . BUT we had a problem at one party , another party was just finishing in another part of the hotel , some began to peep in the door to see us dancing and having a great time , so the more out going members of our party waved them in to join us . Strangely some of the more closeted members began to complain about their privacy being invaded and yet they had accepted to attend the party in a public hotel . The outcome was the manager was called and the ” gatecrashers ” asked to leave , which I wasn’t too happy about because I had danced and chatted with some very nice people from their group . The final outcome was one of our members posted a very scathing and abusive statement on the hotel website ( which I totally disagreed with ) resulting in our group being banned from the hotel , even more annoying was the person who posted never attended another meeting or party . I tried several times approaching the hotel management to apologise but that one person had ruined a really good venue for the rest , I can hardly blame the hotel for refusing .

    Since COVID the hotel has changed owners so it’s great to say our group has been welcomed back .

    I look forward to your Summer bash , I hope it goes well . In the past we have held themed parties , I always enjoyed the Ladies Ascot Day , lovely flowing dresses and hats to match !

  3. Teresa,
    Thanks for the comment, we can only control ourselves! It is amazing to just get out there and be ourselves ☺️

  4. As I said on Kandis post the ladies look great and what fun to enjoy each others company
    I attended a company pride Christmas event this year and it was great
    It was at a local restaurant and I felt totally normal as just being me
    Thanks Sherry for sharing and being you

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