Dee-finitely a tough act to follow.
After a weekend of activities with Michelle–
***A Satur-Dee afternoon St. Louis Cardinals’ game (“Birds of a Feather“)
***A Satur-Dee night roof-top drink and dinner at LeOno (“Cuatro De Mayo“–and I’m still kicking myself for missing the obvious, “Cuatro Dee Mayo”) Editorial comment: it’s all in the Dee-tails!
***A Sun-Dee Glam night seeing “Moulin Rouge“
–Michelle and I were ready for another couple of fun nights, listening to two different bands at two different bars. Once again, my wife was still out of the country, so Michelle and I had more unsupervised time to get together.
Last Hallow-Dee-n we saw Sean Canan’s Voodoo Players playing Prince covers at the Broadway Oyster Bar. At the time we decided we wanted to hear them again. This Wednes-Dee night they were featuring Elton and Billy, Elton John and Billy Joel.
The band features a rotating group of players from the St. Louis area. This night the special addition was keyboardist/singer, the “Piano Man” for the night. First up was a set of Elton John covers, followed by an intermission, then Billy Joel songs.
It’s a small venue but this time, unlike Hallow-Dee-n–when I stood in heels for a couple of hours–we found seats somewhat near the band, and made ourselves comfortable. Michelle and I alternated between sitting and standing, and by standing I mean dancing, although Michelle danced more than me.
It’s a fairly good venue to people watch. As usual Michelle was the focus of attention from some of the other patrons, which I have learned to deal with. I also noticed a single woman, and motioned to her she could have a seat next to us on the bench, as she seemed to be attracting attention too. We ended up talking. She was probably late 40s, and had moved back to St. Louis after twenty years in California. The move was a combination of a break-up in a relationship, combined with an older parent needing more attention.
It was somewhat amusing watching different guys hitting on her (and getting nowhere). She complained to me she goes lots of places by herself to listen to bands, and she never gets hit on, but she always does here. I complemented her that she had the courage to go out by herself.
I guess she assumed because I was with Michelle, I was probably pretty safe. I offered her the seat next to us so she could escape the added attention, and she seemed to appreciate that. I probably tend to relate to women better as Dee, or maybe just as less of a threat. It’s an interesting approach to be more attractive to women by dressing as one, but having Michelle by my side certainly helps.

I wore a green and yellow plaid Princess Highway dress I had bought a few months ago down under, and Michelle wore here normal combination of a smile, friendly personality, and something cute that always looks good on her.
I may have mentioned before Michelle tends to attract attention? As it turns out, the guitarist in the band had met Michelle before and remembered her (duh). He found her on social media afterwards and reached out to Michelle, and he invited Michelle to come see him play again (he’s in several bands), but the places didn’t work out. But he did shoot his shot.
The following Satur-Dee night Michelle and I Dee-cided once again return to the Chase Club. We’ve been there for a band before, and that night there was a cover band playing mostly dance music. We sat at the bar and enjoyed our drinks and food, listened to the music, chatted, and people watched.
We were somewhat amused when a wedding party came in, probably 30 or 40 people. The Chase has a number of function rooms suitable for weddings or formal events (I would love to attend a wedding or formal event there one night; maybe someday I’ll check those off my bucket list). At the end of the night just before we were going to leave, the bride and groom actually came up and introduced themselves to us, which I thought was nice. They didn’t have to but they did, and we chatted with them for a short time, and wished them well.

It’s always fun to hear live music–especially when I get a chance to dress up and go, and enjoy it with my BFF.
One Response
Your comments about joining a wedding party reminded of a social meeting with our transgender/CDers group . On one occasion the hotel asked us to use a smaller function room because their larger room ( which we normally use ) was booked for a wedding party on the same night . Towards the end of our evening the bride and groom and the best man with one of the bride’smaids in tow dropped into our meeting to invite anyone interested in joining their evening wedding party . A few didn’t have the confidence but I joined a group and had a great evening chatting and dancing with the help of their champagne . It was great being on the dance floor next to the bride bopping the night away while most of the guys propped up the bar , (sorry guys most of you just don’t know how to enjoy yourself ) , there is something very special about dancing in a lovely outfit in heels . Your feet don’t hurt at time because you’re on cloud nine , saying that by the end of the evening most of the girls had kicked off their shoes anyway !!