Why do this? Why write this blog? Why share myself with all of you?
Good question. This is why. I am doing some paraphrasing here to protect my friends privacy and to make some grammatical sense of a few messages I am tying into one. When you get an email like this, you realize this does mean something. I am making a difference. There is a reason.
“A warm thank you for the many times you have given me the push I needed to cross the threshold of the theatre, gallery and church, and to be part of the community and not hide in the shadows.
Darling, you would be surprised how your site and your own experiences have influenced me to better myself. Would I have ever approached the new art and design gallery when they requested volunteers, my local theatre was the same after a devastating fire and now I assist my sister on the admin side of her business, being accepted not only as myself, but more importantly as a woman in that women’s world of hair and beauty.
I am a regular parishioner of the village church, no shining light, but I have been warmly welcomed by most and that is good enough for me.
It is a warm March morning, though only 7am the sun is shining through the tree and I am happily sitting with a coffee in hand, today I will embrace being myself and thank the lord for friends like you.
As you say, “Success stories help other girls!!”
Just as yours helped me, I have passed it on.
If my words touched you so deeply, then you can imagine how deeply your words of encouragement have helped myself and so many other girls to know it is possible to be who we are!!!“

Wow! Listen I sit here by myself, typing and blathering. I post pictures, have ideas, wanting to make a difference. But I get no direct feedback, no one right in front of me, reacting. So these messages, the comments, the e-mail followers, anything thing like that tells you that a small community is building. We are tied together with a feeling that is still viewed as odd by society. Is it more accepted than many think? Yes, but it still is viewed differently, unlike many other types of behaviors that are now just a fabric of society.
We don’t become part of that fabric if we don’t proudly represent our sisters, those that paved the way before us and those of us now out there clearing a path for others. To my dear friend, in the UK by the way, God bless you. Those messages made a difference to this girl!
10 Responses
To Kandi and all the other Contributors,
Your posts and pictures are a bright ray of “sunshine” into my life.
We are now told to stay at home until the end of May. Your shining example of a full life is the only thing that brightens my life these days.
Please be safe and keep telling your stories. They mean more to me than you could ever imagine.
Thank you so much.
If I may be so bold as to speak for the other ladies, we love you as well!! We are, and always will be, sisters.
Every word, every comment and every compliment came from the heart. My world would have been a lot smaller and somewhat lonelier if it had not been for your example and positivity.
There maybe oceans, borders and miles between all we ladies, but you Kandi and this site allow us all to be in contact with strangers who are now friends and sisters.
Thank you so much.
One word: WOW! Thanks my dear Faye, thank you so much!!
The point is we can’t do it in isolation unless we are still deeply buried in the closet .
But It is still an interesting question , why do the majority of us have a need to share how we feel ? We both mentioned Crossdressers.com , I can’t believe my posts numbered well over 10,000 but there was always a story to share , help needed or a total load of BS that needed comment .
Back to the point of sharing , I wanted so much to share my dressing with my wife , to me it felt so natural to share an intimate thing with a loved one , we all know the words that followed , DADT but the need to share with someone still remained . In my case it was to prove to myself and then others that my need to be a woman or at least live the lifestyle was real , not in my imagination. I had to build strength , confidence and belief in myself and that is so hard if not impossible without some sort of input from others , whether it be virtual or real it does help if you have both .
How do you get over the hurdle of society believing in you , to totally gain their ( unconditional ) acceptance ? I found that was only possible to answer after I’d gone full time , knowing the man had gone so there was no safety net , the female side of me had to take up the slack and perform her version of it . So the question, ” What’s the point ?” is easily answered I’m now Teresa .
To all the girls on this site, you have all been such an inspiration to me. Having a place to make friends and sharing our crossdressing experiences is so rewarding. I thank all of you for your love and friendship.
This is exactly the point! Thanks Julie!!
It is always so enjoyable to read what others have to share and then see the similarity of the path I’ve taken, influenced so much by the things I read and see here. I appreciate it very much.
I’ve been a crossdresser almost all my life. Reading and sharing about us is so helpful in the quest for who I am
As is the case with anything, be it this or a health problem or anything else where one feels isolated or “different”, it always helps to know you are not alone and that we support each other. Keep coming back!