By Jocelyn Johnson
I am pretty sure the readers of Kandi’s Land know the Rules of the Road as presented by Kandi Robbins.
Be smart. Be appropriate. Be confident. Be visible!

Well, I had a chance to do some girl shopping a few days ago. So I got dressed and applied moderate make-up to go to Walmart. Keeping in mind the four “Bs” I wore leggings, a long sleeve top and red sneakers. See my picture taken in the parking lot just before heading into the store. My outfit was totally appropriate.
I confidently strolled into the store, purse slung over my shoulder, looking for female items to buy. I was very visible as I picked up something in the cosmetic section. And then to Women’s Clothing to get a bra, stay-up stockings and a pair of nice black pantyhose.
Maintaining my visibility I browsed the blouses and skirts, and finally picked up a beautiful teal scoop neck short sleeve top.

Checking out was easy. All the while I just blended in with all the other ladies doing their thing. I greeted everyone I passed with a smile and a cheery “HI”.
I don’t know if I did the fourth B. I’m not that “smart”.
It was a simple morning just being the woman I am.
Be safe everyone.
Jocelyn, shopping at Walmart, a very mainstream and generally safe place (nowhere is 100% safe these days) is the exact definition of being smart! Four for four!
14 Responses
You look great ! You dressed appropriately for the setting. Some of us don’t do that. I dress to blend. How many women do you see in the mall wearing a dress these days?
Thanks for the compliment and support Terri.
I don’t see any woman wearing a dress or skirt anymore.
Thanks Kandi for the “being smart” endorsement.
Totally appropriate outfit, Jocelyn. I like that your top has a bit extra with the knot at the bottom. I like the 4 pillars and you look like you were exemplifying them all.
Thank you Frannie, your comments are very comforting and helpful.
I agree with you about the knot at the bottom of the shirt and the contouring it gives. It also helps disguise the middle age spread. I also like the colour.
From what I know about the Wal Mart clientele, I bet you were the best dressed woman in the place by a long way!
Nice lesson here for those fretting about their first outing – dress for the environment and there’s little if anything to worry about.
That’s a very nice thing to say. Thank you.
You are so right. Dress for the destination of your outing and no one will pay you any attention. I felt so comfortable just going about my business.
It is wonderful being out and feeling so normal. I love it.
Jocelyn, thank you for taking the time to write about your shopping experience…. You are an inspiration for Leonara to try it for the first time and to “feel so normal”..
Thank you for your comments.
We are all here to be supportive of each other. If you haven’t been out yet en femme, then don’t be afraid to try it. Of course, please follow Kandi’s four rules of the road.
Be your true self, and be safe.
Good morning Jocelyn, and thank you for your post. I read it with great interest and studied your photos as well.
In my humble opinion I gave you four A’s and only one B. you received the four A’s because you A-ced everything. And the lone B was for looking as beautiful as you do in the photos.
Well done girl and let me say you were just glowing with happiness in the photo’s. I’m so happy that you were able to make time for Jocelyn and thank you for making my day.
Luv ya girl friend,
Trish ❤️
Your support and kind thoughts are most welcome.
Your grading of me is very suspect. I don’t think I have ever past anything with “flying colours”.
It is easy to smile while being out and about looking so femme.
I really appreciate your wonderful compliments.
Have a great time the next opportunity you show the world your beauty.
Lots of love,
Well, if you’ve never past anything in flying colours you were obviously long over due. And what better time to do it than when you are rocking a day out shopping as well as looking as pretty as you do. Have a great day my dear friend.
Trish ❤️
Thank you so much Trish.