I got a new iPhone!! My old one was rendered obsolete as it is 3G and will not be supported shortly going forward, so we finally upgraded. The photos here are my first with the new phone. I’m learning.
Here was have what may be the shortest video ever taken (I did so inadvertently). It gives you a brief glimpse into my selfie shoot process. This was taken at Transformer Station. The finished product is below.
This gorgeous October 20, 2021 day started with me swapping both dresses from the recent “One Cool Weekend” post for a cute multi-color sweater. I then grabbed a cup of coffee at a local shop, where a lovely woman told me I had cute shoes (I did) and that she loved my outfit. I thanked her again as I left and then she “Sherry’d” me by telling me to “Stay Beautiful!”.
Before reporting for my art museum shift, we took advantage of the beautiful weather by taking a few outside, as well as some at Transformer Station as noted above.

The weather kept the crowds at the museum very light, but I enjoyed my time with my deskmate, Ann. Then it was time to head across town to improv class. Class was small due as many students had conflicts, so we did a wonderful excercise in long form improv. A prompt starts the scene and you tag someone out and take the scene in a completely different direction, still centered around the initial prompt. Great fun!
The next day, October 21, 2021 I had dinner with a lovely new (GG) friend, very well connected within the modeling community. It was just a joy sitting, two women chatting. That made me feel so much the woman I am than did the lovely dress I wore. Thank you Vicky!!
I’m really loving the new phone! The picture quality (no kidding Captain Obvious) is so much better.

I took a longer video, which I could not upload on this platform, but you can see it here!
8 Responses
You got Sherry’d… Love it 💕💕💕
Another nice story of acceptance made all the better by photos of that gorgeous striped dress!
She certainly was a winner!! Thanks Amanda!!
Lovely outfits for both days – the print skirt is fabulous and the striped dress looks so comfortable. And yes, the shoes are cute!
I appreciate you as always Tina!!
Sounds like another wonderful time
Love your outfits, I mean I don’t think you know how to pick a bad one
Now I’m not a fan of the darker hair, I like your lighter color better but hey that’s just one opinion
As always love your sharing
Thanks Rach! I rotate the wigs and wear a wig based on what I am doing. I am trying to make these work for a while.