Stalker Jane/Pandemonium 2024

Two lovely days.

September 1, 2024, a sneak preview of my most recent film. Yeah, I know, using the term “my” is a bit of a stretch. You can read about the filming here.

I headed out the door a bit early, so hit the mall with the intention of simply walking around, feeling pretty. But….I stopped at a favorite store, saw the 90% off clearance rack and eight dresses and one blouse later, walked out with a huge bag full of clothes, nothing more than $5. Savings at original prices had to exceed $300.

My appearance in the movie was brief, but I am clearly in it. And as usual, I am in the first few minutes of the movie, then it’s a wrap! The movie was actually very good, for a local, indy project. I really enjoy being a part of the Cleveland local acting community.

September 7, 2024 was my time again to work for The Cleveland Public Theater and their big Pandemonium event (see here and here for my past few such events). I was very close to not dressing for the event. I had to work another event that morning and early afternoon (my job) outdoors on a very cold day, downtown by the lake. So I was faced with a possible 12-14 hours in the cold and I don’t do cold very well. But I had the time between both events, so I went ahead with my original plan. I had to get dressed at the theater, so I commandeered a “gender neutral” bathroom and got ready.

Despite the cold, I had a wonderful time. I saw a few friends and was warmly greeted by almost all the folks that came into my event space. I am a House Manager, running the Sanctuary, a church converted into a small theater. I manage the flow of people in and out, had such fun with many, so many were just amazingly sweet to me. No great stories, just a great event, a great institution and a great time! Oh yeah, a great outfit too… This dress was a part of the tremendous haul mentioned above, prior to my Stalker Jane premier ($5).

My great friend, Judy and I


8 Responses

  1. Kandi,
    You do look great in both dresses. What a find, and at a fabulously low price.

    I really love your smile.


  2. Kandi, you look amazing in everything, whether it’s the fabulous print top and white miniskirt, or the maxi dress and denim jacket. Your smile always makes my day brighter!

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