February 11, 2023, a time and place to take a risk.
My hair was a mess. I have been growing it out for quite some time now. I have been having my stylist continue evolving my cut to be more and more feminine, while still being able to present as myself when necessary. At my job that requires my physical presence, I always wear a hat anyway. So here I am walking out the door and then what I looked like afterward.

In an unusual move for me, I got dressed and went to the stylist. I then returned home, changed and went back out. I don’t think I have ever gone out, back home and out again on the same day, in bright daylight.
My evening’s activity was volunteering for The North Coast Men’s Chorus. It was their 35th anniversary celebration and a key fundraiser for them.
I owned every bit of my presentation. Now, this is a gathering of gay men and their allies, so I certainly didn’t do anything special.
This was the first time back to this event after a three year hiatus, thank you COVID. My two most favorite bartender friends were there and we renewed friendships, I got a bunch of hugs and they took very good care of me.

No great story but a tremendous amount of love for the new ‘do! My subtle transition over nine years from a fat, hairy man to what could be termed a “metrosexual” to the untrained eye, has been remarkable. With the right clothing I present myself very well. I have removed almost all of my body hair permanently, slimmed down (although I have struggled of late with ten extra pounds), developed a nice cleavage and honed my fashion sense.
As I mentioned yesterday, I took a couple more pictures that demonstrate nothing more than love and acceptance. There were many more such photos, but not on my phone, so I do not have them.

Now, where do I go with the new ‘do? The big problem with it is that I give up the “Clark Kent” ability to disguise myself. That is “my” hair, those are “my” glasses. Off to my next adventure!
Just love these bracelets I picked up recently!
If you have any interest in being a model in an actual fashion show, I need to hear from you very soon!

8 Responses
I have some transgender friends that have long natural hair , am I envious ? It’s really swings and roundabouts as they have to tie their hair back or wear a hat in male mode to hide their femme side . Personally I have to accept that my natural hair would not grow enough all over to give me a femme look . At times I wish it would but it’s possibly easier to care for a wig and possibly less expensive . The point it does make is people see want they want to see , I know you don’t have a problem them knowing your true gender , that is more of a problem to me but gladly most see me as female .
The second point is if you have to wear a wig choose it carefully because it’s part of your identity , the one down side is they wear out quicker than I expected . That’s why I now buy two identical ones and alternate them after a few weeks .
Do I hate wearing wigs ? Not at all but I don’t have a choice , I don’t buy cheap ones because they are usually heavy and hot , the better quality ones are very light and breathable so even on the hottest day they’re not uncomfortable .
I do think you’re brave , I admit I couldn’t do it but then some would think I was brave for having the confidence to go out wearing a wig .
Thanks Teresa! But since I attended a principally gay event, being “brave” didn’t take much.
Ah hair. I remember having hair. In my younger days I had hair down to mid-back. But I also had a full mustache and chops. (You youngers may need to Google “chops”.) Only had it “styled” once when a girlfriend braided my wet hair into hundreds of braids. I had frizzle, curly hair for a few days. Miss those days. Miss having hair.
I envy you Kandi, first for having hair and then having the courage to commit to styling in a feminine manner.
Hair can be a blessing and a curse! Thanks Cali!!
Love the outfit. Yes hair at our age can be an issue
Not being on hormones well we know what happens to most of us. The hair just keeps getting thinner and thinner.
I do use a thickening product and it helps but in general when I’m full on en fem the wig is my friend
Kandi I do like that doo, it’s quite becoming.
Being fluid at work my real hair is how I work and some days I’m defiantly quite feminine in appearance even with the male hair
You certainly are, my dear! I only do this when I get my hair cut because I cannot duplicate what my stylist can do.
I wear my natural hair in a ponytail that reaches down between my shoulder blades but it’s too thin on top to be a feminine look. I just bought 2 new wigs giving me 5 total, 3 of one style & 2 of another.