As I explained the last two weeks, my golf group goes on an overnight trip twice a year, and this time around I brought along my girl stuff for a hotel room photoshoot, and a night out at a casino, with an unexpected encounter at the end of my stay at the casino. I returned to my room about 1:45, took pictures for about an hour, and finally had lights out around 3 AM. I wasn’t worried about having to awaken early for our scheduled 8:30 AM tee time, because our group organizer had already decided to cancel the round on the second day because rain was forecast.
No golf–plus girl clothes–meant I could dress for the drive home. I got up around 8:30, made it downstairs to breakfast by the 9 AM closing time, and noted that I was the only one of my group still around–the rest had already skedaddled. That meant the coast should be clear for a clean getaway.
I was also swapping text messages with my GG friend Renee, a normal practice for me. We were trying to arrange a time to talk on the drive home, and discussing my getting hit on leaving the casino.
<<Renee: When do you hit the road? Where are you? You said “my time”.
Me: In Southern Missouri. Having breakfast now. Wanted to leave later than everyone so wouldn’t run into anyone in Dee mode. Golf cancelled. Will probably leave in a hour.
If D*** were leaving, on the road in 20 minutes.
Dee takes longer. 😄>>
I had recently bought an Athleta halter dress at Goodwill that Renee liked, my first such dress. I decided it was a good day to wear it. I realized I had one issue, that I didn’t have a bra that would work with the dress, but I could just put my forms in the dress without a bra and it would work.

It took me until about 10 AM to be ready to leave, so I was doubly sure none of my group would see me. My room was well placed at the back of the hotel, so it was a short walk to the stairs, walk down a flight, and then a short walk to my car. The coast was clear, and I was mobile.
I needed gas on the drive so I did the obligatory gas stop selfie. Then it was off to Macy’s, and my target was formal dresses; not that I needed one, but I like trying them on, and Renee likes seeing them too. As my time was limited, I selected a handful from the racks and started trying them on. As usual, I take pictures, text them to Renee, and she will text the pictures back with comments or emoticons.

After an hour, I needed to go. I had one more stop, at Costco. As I had been in Costco dressed before, and masks were still required, I was comfortable walking the store and filling my cart. I changed into guy mode in the parking lot, and drove home while chatting and catching up with Renee.
One less round of golf than planned, but one more chance to dress, all in all a fair trade.
Now I have to figure out a possible destination for our fall golf outing….
3 Responses
Nice story, Dee. I, too, have done the parking lot change. Have to find that discrete spot with no one else parked near. Car makeup is also a challenge. Nice dresses! I like them all especially the navy one.
I have done lots of parking lot changes, both boy to girl and girl to boy. Removing makeup is definitely easier than putting on makeup.
I have decided that generally less makeup is often better than more. If anyone is seeing my makeup that close up, they have probably already figured out I might be trans. I try to get the foundation reasonably right (my facial hair isn’t that dark, which helps), some mascara, darken my brows, a little eyeliner, some Rouge and lipstick, and go.
If one wants to get out, you accept a lot of less than perfect places to change genders.
Wow, Dee those dresses are gorgeous especially the blue ( my fav colour) and the black on. And the look even better on you girl. I bet Renee loved them.