So far, Year 11 of Kandi is not at all like the first ten. I know, cry me a river…
Without getting into specifics and hoping not to jinx myself, the apparel business I am building is actually gaining traction. If (a BIG if) I can take it where I think I can, that will mean more financial security for my wife and I, less dependence upon physical labor to generate revenue and, wait for it, more FREE time! So I pay the price now, hoping to get the payoff down the road. Meanwhile, getting Kandi out the door has been difficult. One thing I have been very good at is being smart as I always prioritize work (and for me, last year I derived work from eight different places) over anything else. My two personal passions, Kandi and pickleball, have taken a significant backseat. Patience…
As usual, I have again come out of the holidays aching to do something next level. So in a few weeks from this day, January 16, 2025, I will be doing a boudoir photo shoot. My concept is three different scenes. The first is my getting undressed to get into bed with someone off camera. Remove my heels, unzip and remove my dress, pull down my hose, looking longingly into the bed (a bed is one of the sets available to me). The next scene will be in just bra and panties and it should be wonderful! I will be in bed awaiting someone off camera. I have the perfect lacy white bra and am awaiting the panties to match. Without getting graphic, there will be no hint of masculinity seen with the possible exception of my extra rib. The photos will be up close and suggestive. The final scenario will be me getting dressed the next morning to go to work. Pulling up my tights, on with a half slip, then my skirt, while I then check my lipstick in the mirror before buttoning up my blouse and putting on my earrings. I’ll slip on my heels, grab my purse and it will be a wrap. Anyway, that’s the plan.
This day was a created day to get dressed. I had some work to do on the computer, so I got dressed and drove a few miles to the local library. There I simply worked for a few hours and came home and stayed dressed for a while longer. I felt nice and was very proud of a certain portion of my anatomy as you can see here.

Felt nice…
13 Responses
It is so good to hear that you are well and a business venture is looking financially promising.
Be good to yourself and family.
See you very soon!!
I hope all your plans come true with your business this year , you both deserve that break in your lives .
I would have to accept I’m slightly too old for boudoir pictures so I content myself with a nice comfortable life as Teresa , that doesn’t mean I don’t push the envelope a little but how time flies ! It’s almost one year since I officially changed my name , while my booked cruise is not until September I feel it’s looming closer as the balance payment is due in March .
Thank you Terri!!
Always wishing you success, my dear friend! You have done more than enough with Kandi’s Land and am sure will continue to do so, but at the pace you need to set for your personal well being. I have been there and totally understand! I wish you the best in your business endeavors and hope to see you at KS 25.
Hotel room booked, now I just need a few things to fall into place! Miss you my friend.
Sounds wonderful my friend hope it all goes well.
So question is your company going to cater to the trans community?
As we all know it’s difficult for us to find good fitting clothes and maybe just maybe this could be a good direction where all of us who can, help
Anyway just thinking allowed
Rach, My company is just me, representing number of apparel brands. No, unfortunately it has nothing to do with our community. I need to make money and while one probably could within the trans community, that won’t allow me to get to scale. But down the road, one never knows…
Rachel makes a very interesting point , how do we feel about wearing clothes designed for women or clothes for men wishing to dress as women ?
Without doubt I love choosing items designed for women , we just have to take care to select ones that suit our shape . I often find exclusive crossdressing outlets are more expensive but not always the best quality , shoes would often cost twice as much if they were made for CDers .
It was always so much more exciting to venture into women’s departments and browse the racks , while rubbing shoulders with women shoppers . I smile at the thought ofmale departments as I can’t remember the last time I did so , I haven’t bought a male item for 7+ years .
This could be titled “When Work Gets in the Way of Life”. Sometimes you to have grab work when it appears. I just lost 50% of my work for the next 3.5 months. More time for Cali.
It sounds like you’re headed in the right direction my friend. I can’t wait to see your boudoir shoot. You’ll look gorgeous girl. ❤️
Love you dear!
You felt nice and looked nice Kandi darling. I like this next step you are taking “boudoir ” sounds nice. Take care my dear friend..
Love and hugs