By The Super Fantastic Jocelyn Johnson

I had my first dinner with Kandi on February 16 as I was travelling through the States. My journey continued south.
After a week and a half enjoying the warm weather in the southern USA, Kandi sends me an email asking if I will be near Cleveland on my way back to Canada. I was thinking the same thing. So we agreed on dinner for March 4.
Kandi asked Sherry to join us, and Sherry said maybe, she’ll try.
While driving northward I shopped for a top, jewelry and underwear. The top “jumped off the rack” to me. It is perfect for me and for a girl’s night out.
I also did online shopping for a pair of 2” pumps. My 12W size can’t be found in a store, but online I could have them shipped to a store in Cleveland. None of the online retailers will ship to a Canadian store, only to your house (which I cannot do). My pumps would be delivered in 5 days.
On March 4 I arrived in Cleveland and I immediately went to the store to pick up the shoes. A guy in a shop full of ladies. But no issues and I received my shoes.

Then back to the hotel to get ready. Unlike last time when I met Kandi, I had hours to get beautified. I even polished my finger nails. See attached pictures I did before leaving for dinner. I absolutely love seeing my nails coloured.
The restaurant Kandi picked was upscale, but casual. We met, and spent the next four and a half hours drinking wine, having our meal and dessert. The conversation flowed all night. Everyone at the place was very accepting of the two ladies. Kandi and I revealed to each other, some very personal information about our male side. I trust her explicitly, and she me.
Sherry showed up near the end of the evening. We talked about some personal male experiences that we both share. The complete trust that we have for each other is amazing.
The evening ended with the picture taken by Sherry of Kandi and myself. See picture below. Then hugs all around and a walk to our cars.
The only downside for me was the new shoes hurt my feet. I guess I am a size 12WW.
The power of meeting people, in a public setting, while dressed as a women gives me confidence and joy. I was so happy the whole time, and I didn’t want it to end. Just like Cinderella, at midnight the “beautiful Jocelyn” turned back into ???????
The next day Kandi emailed me and, among other things, said she has never spent over four hours in one place, with one person. It must have been the handcuffs to the table that kept her, lol.
I really can’t find enough superlatives to appropriately describe how wonderful Kandi is, and how great I felt all evening. Ever since then I have been “floating on air”. I am so happy.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you Kandi, the sweetest person I know.
Love, Jocelyn
Editorial comment: Look at my beautiful friend Jocelyn. Look at the smile. Look at her joy. The truth of the matter is that I did little to nothing. I had two great meals with one amazing human being. Without revealing personal information, Jocelyn is even more incredible than you see here. I’ll leave it at that and tell her I would take a bullet for her. There is a short list (outside of my immediate family and my Mom) of people I would do that for and she is on that list. We may never meet again, but these two meals were THE highlight of my Kandi life!
8 Responses
Thank you very much.
Well, that brightened up my Monday morning no end – you both looked great and obviously had an amazing time together.
What really struck me was the implicit trust we have in each other, whether when out in person or just in our online activities which really came across in the account of way the three of you interacted. In the end, whether we’re glammed up or in drab, there’s just one person underneath but having to keep our two sides separate is often exhausting. The value of having the opportunity just to be ourselves and be able to talk about things from one persona’s life while presenting as the other cannot be overstated but to be able to do that we have to have absolute trust in those we confide in. And because we all understand what is at stake, we can talk freely without the worries that would come from making even the tiniest disclosure to someone outside the community.
Thank you both for sharing what sounds like a fantastic couple of outings.
Thank you so much for the very kind comments. It was an amazing two dinners, and great to meet Sherry.
I believe the sharing we all do in our posts is to help others on their journey and to also make the reader happy. I’m glad we brightened up your Monday morning.
You have also made me think, as you always do. Would the evening have been as amazing if Kandi had just invited me to her house. We would have spent the whole time talking, drinking and eating in private. I believe the conversation would have been the same. But the dynamics of being in a busy public setting would have heightened the senses. Our emotions would be peaked at a restaurant. And who knows, maybe Kandi is a better cook than the chef at the restaurant!
I miss your posts on KL.
Thanks dear friend.
It was a wonderful, but short, evening for me. I’m SO happy I was able to come and meet you. You’re an amazing person and THANK YOU for doing what you do!
I was thinking the same thing about you. Keep up your great work.
Thank you.
Thanks my friend!