Food for thought

You may have heard this question as it relates to your belly button but I’m referring to how you see and react to the world. 

 If you’re an “OUTY”, you live life from the outside in. You react to outside stimuli such as news, events and other people’s views on you. If you’re an “INNY”, you feel that life happens AS YOU not TO YOU. 

You are in control of what you think and your actions to outside news, events and others will always be there but you are in control of how you react. 

 The vast majority of people are an “OUTY”. I’m sure you’re reading this because you don’t want to be like everyone else so let’s discuss the “INNY”. 

To take full advantage of your life you must be aware of you. Being peaceful, calm, and serene is a process. It just doesn’t happen but with practice, you’ll get better over time. 

Try this exersize… 

Your mind has become very quiet. Your thoughts are steady, and you must released negative thoughts and worries. 

Every day release emotions outside of the healing process; let go of stress and worry, leave behind fear and wave goodbye to anxiety, let go of anger, and release shame.

Accept all your experiences and see yourself in the present. Understand that perfection is an unrealistic goal and instead, embrace your flaws, embrace failure as a wonderful opportunity for growth. 

Accept that you are human, have a past that you take, and practice gratitude for all the challenges and difficult situations that helped you become a better person today. Let go of wanting to change the past. Release attachment to outcomes. 

Release attachment to desires and expectations, and release attachment to control. Accept that outcomes may disappoint you regardless of how hard you try or the effort you exhibit. 

The only thing that matters is how you treat yourself while you’re doing the trying. Inner peace is finding balance within yourself. It is recognizing that you are perfect just as you are. You are here to learn, and you are learning and growing each day. 

Know that you are perfect in your existence, and let go of any thoughts that suggest otherwise. 

Reside in the present and remain open to infinite possibilities. 

 Be in love with life and at peace! Ask yourself… 

 1. What can I do today to achieve inner peace?

 2. How might I enhance my relationship with life?

 3. What practices can help me stay focused during challenging times? 

Being an “INNY” is more difficult because you’re accepting your role and responsibility for whatever current life situation you’re in. 

 Living life by design rather than default is much more rewarding. 

 Be Strong💪 

 Gwen Patrone 

 *You can find my books in digital and audio on Amazon and Audible HERE


One Response

  1. Gwen,
    I’m sorry to say but I can’t see it in those black and white terms . I agree we can’t live in the past and there’s nothing we can do to change it but it’s hard at times to dump the baggage that goes with it . Out past shapes us , I’m sure many of us strive to make out future different , I wish so much that I could . I guess I should celebrate the decision more in accepting I’m transgender and the happiness I’ve found by living fulltime but every so often the past comes back to bite me , the ” Outy ” in me has taught me how to deal with it , I can’t allow myself to turn ” Inny ” because I know how dark that road can be .
    I’m sure many of us have a grey area in our lives , possibly where the ” outy and inny” are in balance , perhaps many people are also happy with that , life doesn’t have ” highs all the time and I’m not sure if the majority could live with them .

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