A Great Birthday!

A day well spent!

July 7, 2022, 61 years old……

I recently talked about feeling a bit blue about my inability to get out with friends. Well, Sher and I finally got together!

I decided to celebrate my becoming even more elderly by wearing a dress that is way-to-young for me (I have spoken about it in recent posts). And I felt terrific, just like a young lady again. You can, of course, see the “unfortunate tan” I picked up at Pride. I won’t lie, there is nothing like strolling about in a dress like this on a humidity-free, breezy day.

My day started with my having to get ready in the other bathroom while my wife got ready for work. It always pleases me that my getting ready and being in varying states of dress is not at all an issue. She even zipped me up!

First stop was the bank to make a payment on the credit card. I love doing this when dressed and as usual, it was worth it. It made me happy when I walked in and the woman who handled my payment (and was probably 15-20 years my junior), called me “Honey” and “Dear” and complemented me on my dress. Along with another woman who worked there, we had a brief conversation.

The above photos were taken in my recently renovated (by me) basement. I just love the space now!

Then Sher and I finally got together and took a few photos on a gorgeous day. We have a problem remembering to take pictures together when we are out, so we made a point of it on this day.

We followed that up with a lovely lunch and my friend treated me! Sher, I value our friendship more than you know.

That was followed with a leisurely stroll through the Rock Hall and a drink while sitting on the pavilion in front of the hall.

Now that’s the way to celebrate a birthday!

The picture to the right is the Fab Six.


8 Responses

  1. Cute dress – who cares if it’s “too young”? I’m so happy you and Sherry got together, she looks great too. And a belated happy birthday to you, you don’t look a day over 50 to me!

  2. Sounds like a great girls day out and you both look fabulous
    Those short dresses are so cute and yes for us old gals maybe a bit young but your as young as you feel.
    So good to see Sherrys smiling face again as well.
    Happy birthday my friend

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