Not good…… Great day, otherwise.

November 3, 2023 was a MIX event at the art museum, so I made a complete day of it. The outfit was simple, business-like, classic and classy. I was proud of this lady on this day!
But I started the day with a speeding ticket. I was speeding (I always do), but did so to clear a cluster of traffic, after which I slowed down well before I saw the lights coming up behind me. Because I was slightly over the speed limit, I have a required court date. Looks like Kandi will return to traffic court and will be representing herself for what will be the fourth time. She’s three and oh so far…
I then went to my two Avalon Exchanges and turned half of my basket of clothes into over $50 in store credit, which became two skirts, a blazer, a top and a pair of red pants.
Then I had a lunch meeting with a customer of mine. A delightful lady and a delightful time.
That was followed by a meeting with the President of the Board of Directors for the International Live Events Association. I am joining ILEA for my apparel business and have been attending occasional networking events by ILEA for a few years. Ryan and I had a great meeting and he promised to make a few contacts for me that have the potential to be lucrative.
After a nap in the parking garage of the museum, it was time to get back to MIX! We were out of town last month, which meant I had to miss the event the first time in quite some time. Apparently, I was missed!

It was three hours on my face hurting from smiling as much. Numerous people came over and told me I was missed last month; I got love on my hair; compliments on my blazer; so many people simply initiating a conversation with me because they wanted to meet me. A few encounters were of particular note.
A woman came up to me and asked if I remembered her (of course not, I had forgotten about that speeding ticket earlier in the day until I cleaned out my purse the next day). I used to frequently attend the Third Friday event at 78th Street Studios, a four story collection of art studios. Some time, well before the pandemic, Janine was exhibiting her photography of an exhibit I worked the entire summer of 2018, Infiniti Mirrors by Yayoi Kusama. It was an awesome summer, an amazing exhibit and simply the best thing I have ever done as Kandi. We had visitor from all 50 states and all over the world for this exhibit and sat in the absolute center of it every Saturday afternoon. Well, I was apparently very complimentary of Janine’s work…in 2018! This is now 2023 and she REMEMBERED ME! OMG….. She and I had a lovely conversation and a few interactions throughout the evening.

A group of about six woman were at my left, taking a bunch of photos. I offered to allow one of the women, who was taking the pictures, to get into the picture as I took a bunch for them. Then a woman came up and in a heavy accent, called me “Tootsie”. Now on paper, that might sound offensive. But, first off, I do bear a striking resemblance to Dustin Hoffman in that role (not the firs time it was pointed out to me). But more important and why I was honored by what she said, she was in the United States for only five months from Ukraine. This woman was almost giddy with happiness and I cannot imagine having lived under such daily stress and then coming to America. She knew the movie and was paying me a compliment. That was a pretty damn cool hug I got.
Then this lovely Indian woman and her friend come up and introduce themselves to me. Naz told me she was a bit intimidated to talk to me because (her words, not mine) I looked “like a movie star”. We talked quite a bit and she told me that I gave off a great feeling of approachability and looked like someone worth knowing. Awwwwwww….. After I wrapped up my shift, I danced with Naz and her friend for about half an hour before we all turned back into pumpkins and headed home.
Quite the full day!
8 Responses
I love the LBD , every girl should have one , sadly my favourite is a size too small now .
When I read your adventures I can’t help thinking why the heck you’re not full time , your acceptance is wonderful , male mode must feel second rate ! I know you’ve explained the reason why you aren’t in consideration of your so supportive wife .
So sorry about the speeding ticket , I’m not sure how different the US to the UK but each speeding ticket attracts penalty points on our license plus a fine , when we reach twelve points we face disqualification . The one saving grace is we can take a driving correction course instead of points but it’s only available once in three years . Obviously insurance companies don’t like offenders so they really sting with premiums . The one point I don’t agree with is some authorities have adopted zero tolerance , we all know most vehicle speedos aren’t 100% accurate and neither are the speed traps , it just comes down to screwing the motorist from every angle !!
Teresa, I am not full time by choice. As you may have read here recently, my life is much more complicated than most. Life is difficult enough as a felon, let alone being trans as well. I pick and choose my outings, almost always knowing they will be delightful and completely accepting. That is not possible 24/7/365 and also trying to make a living as well, and doing so without the ability to get a job like most. Let alone that I always want to be my wie’s male husband. If Kandi ever jeopardized that, she would cease to exist. Thanks as always for your views and experiences.
Kandi, you look amazing in the LBD and blazer, and I love the cute flats. I have a similar blazer but need to slim down a little for it to fit better. MIX is yet another event where you have such wonderful experiences.
Sorry about the speeding ticket, that’s the one thing I try very hard to avoid when I’m out dressed. I’m sure you will have a great outfit for your court date.
Thanks T! I have joked about it before, but there is some truth to it, I am MIX!
Yes another full day for you and wow tickets are never good
You do look lovely though in that LBD
As always did it all well
Watch me talk that ticket down to something more palatable!
You look great Kandi and I love to read about your involvement in various activities. The male side of me does a lot of things (not as many as you) but the female side is rather selective as to where she appears. (outside my city) I am somewhat proud to SAY (And gloat a little, LOL) That I have never had a moving violation or at fault accident. Have I been stopped? Yes, but somehow never ticketed. Anyway have a great week. Love to read every day.
I certainly have a lead foot, I’ll have to dial that back a bit.