Today Is A Gift

No need to introduce this one.

I am very grateful for today.

I appreciate every second of my life. 

I choose every day to live fully.

Each morning, I wake up 

feeling powerful and refreshed. 

The sun shines brightly through the window, 

It gives me energy and maks me realize 

how beautiful everything is.

I watch birds fly.

I smell the air.

I breathe deeply.

Life is incredible!

My eyes open wide. 

I see that I have had the chance to wake up 

and start a brand-new day. 

I watch as my transition progresses.

My beautiful flower is blooming.

And I’m happy.

I consider this event a fantastic opportunity.

In life, I have a choice to either sleep or awaken. 

I choose to awaken. 

I make this decision.

I want to experience living life to the fullest. 

Although my mind feels like it is upside down, I am excited to explore the possibilities of my life!

I choose to look at the abundance of life.

Blessings in my life abound. 

I prefer to focus on the beauty life.

I choose to love myself. 

I choose to be happy.

I am thankful for the countless ways that I am blessed.

I acknowledge the many gifts in my life. 

I thank my family, friends, teachers, coaches, mentors, and spiritual guides for showing me so much love.

I accept myself as I am. 

I know that I am enough just as I am. 

I may be imperfect, but I am okay just as I am. 

Every day brings something new to learn about myself.

Today, I choose to be happy. 

I celebrate the life I lead and decide to be joyful. 

The world needs my light.

And I shine bright!

Be Strong 💪 

Gwen Patrone 



6 Responses

  1. Gwen, each of these statements taken separately would be a good mantra for life but together they become a strong recipe for living a complete and well rounded life. It come down to choices made. Two lines that really struck me were “I have a choice to sleep or awaken. I choose to awaken”. Something for us to read everyday. Thank you.

    1. Donna,
      Thank you so much! Life’s about growth. It’s entire purpose whispers GROW, GROW, GROW to us every day.

      We do a disservice by staying stagnant.

      Thanks for reading.


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