March 13, 2024, my future.
Not a bad thing when you bid your wife farewell and she says “Don’t we look lovely!”

Up early, got dressed and headed downtown for an 8:00AM roundtable conversation with the International Live Event Association. I sat around and discussed my new industry with many and really enjoyed myself. It was simply, natural, right, uplifting, incredible. Not much of a story for you all, but this will be my reality from now on.

I then returned home, followed up on various other things and got cleaned up. Then I took advantage of near 70 degree temps to get in what I would loosely define as a “run”, more like a waddle. We cannot have everything in life, I guess. I am so far from that person who ran Boston, it’s not even funny. But I guess when we lose one thing, we gain another.
Then I got ready again and headed out the door to go to the office (yes, I now have an office to go to).

Sherri and I then prepared for and drove to a client meeting with Food Strong, for our September 11, 2024 Strawberry Fields Forever fundraiser. Again, no great story for our readers, just a number of us working through the framework for our event.
My life moves forward from here. Busy with a purpose, a direction, hope. I cannot believe that I have been able to build real relationships, both personal and business, as both of me. And having done that has been a benefit, not simply an accommodation. Time to roll up my sleeves and get to work!
As you all know, I normally respond in some fashion to all comments. Yesterday, I chose not to do so as I simply wanted my words to stand on their own, while always valuing the input from our sisters on the topic. Thanks ladies, all!
I would have been at Keystone today. I instead I have a networking function and will be working each day I would have been there. With my recent and wonderful job opportunity, there is no way I could have gone. But despite the exciting opportunity, this is very sad for me. I will not see my friends Gina and Fiona. I will not be seeing my friends Sammy and Susan. I will not be seeing so many. And there are humans I adore that will also not be attending themselves, Nora, Cristy, Alex, Terri and many more. Many have told me I will be missed, but we all know, when you are not there, you are not there. We are forever sisters but because of the nature of that sisterhood, we disappear just as easily. Two years ago, I made a “lifelong” friend, whom I have never heard from since.
No one will miss me for a split second. The wonder of it all will overtake them and well it should. It is an experience not to be missed and one where you are so easily forgotten. The nature of the beast.
My life is again changing. Events like Keystone will probably not happen again for me. Yes, I am “living the dream”, working as a woman. But that sisterhood, that will begin fading away. I am a member of The Vanity Club, where I have met so many wonderful people. But outside of a few events, that is a virtual connection. No one there really interacts other than showing a picture here or there (and I am no better) except at these events.
Yes, I still have friends, yes, I am still very blessed. But it will be different. Joyful events like this may never again happen for me. New joyful events, fingers crossed, may bless me (or not). Life chugs forward, closing some doors, opening others.
17 Responses
First off, congrats on your new business opportunities – sounds very exciting indeed! However, don’t be so sure you won’t be missed at Keystone. I for one will miss seeing you at Keystone, but your new direction is something that you must pursue, and your future seems quite bright. The good news is with the magic of the internet we can at least stay in contact virtually, and who knows where the winding road may lead. I find that very notion very exciting . A couple of years ago I would have never thought I would be following a CD/TG path, not to mention meeting new friends of that persuasion or writing articles for a blog such as yours. But here I am, feeling happy and well adjusted at last. I hope your new endeavors hold the same for you!
I want to mention also – your new pics are spectacular – I love that first outfit especially!
All the best,
I will miss seeing you my dear! You have been an inspiration to me. Have fun!!
You look amazing in the burgundy blazer outfit ❤️
❤️ Back at ya!
Life happens !!
OK so perhaps you couldn’t do Boston anymore , it could be wishful thinking for me that I could still take to the ski slopes as I did , the important thing is we’ve lived it , that’s what life is all about , we must cherish those moments and be thankful .
Will you be missed at Keystone ? The simple answer is yes , you shared your life with others , you may or may not see them all again but they will always remain your friends . When I said I would be dropping out of my transgender group meetings some pleaded with me to stay because they didn’t understand my reasons , perhaps some thought I’d betrayed them . All I could do is give them my contact details , I made it clear my door is always open to them but not one has contacted me since .
Like me you will find when new chapters open the pages behind close up and fade , we need life to move forward we can’t retain every detail of the past .
Your outfit for the roundtable is fantastic, you do look lovely. You have become such a wonderful part of your local community. And while you will be missed by the community at Keystone, it is simply that your life has changed to be the person you need to be. That may no longer include going to events like Keystone, but this site and the friends we have made here will ALWAYS be supportive of each other’s journey.
Love the community we have here, thanks T!
As one who has followed you for some time it’s amazing how far you have come and where your going
You always know how to put together that perfect outfit which is why I’ve no doubt your fashion business will thrive
You are a survivor and I’m so glad I can call you friend
I do still have some hope to meet in person one day but just not sure when
Love ya Rach
One of these days…. 🤞
We may never pass this way again…
But lest we forget — right now, at this moment, you have made us all smile and feel connected, and that makes all the difference.
You’re so classy and feminine in that outfit, Kandi. You do indeed look very sweet and lovely. I’m probably one of those friends that often come and go too. But always happy to come back and visit your site. You always make me feel so welcome. If I ever get the chance to travel your way again, I would do everything possible to meet you in person as well.
That would certainly be a treat for me! ❤️
Kandi – Congratulations on taking your dream and making it a reality, and income generating reality. I hope your revenue stream is deep and wide.
We both hope so! Thanks Cali, so much!!
Never say never my dear, we will meet again!