The Fitting

So we had the “Shoot”, now the very next day, February 7, 2025, we have the “Fitting”, plus the 2025 debut of the monthly Cleveland Museum of Art MIX! Salve on the wounds of an otherwise shitty week (but I will not be defeated, things be cookin…).

I have been asked to walk the Ohio is For Lovers Wedding Show. It is an alternative wedding show and so to put my own twist on alternative, I am going (sort of) traditional and feminine. I went to TLC Bridal and Formal and they could not have been more fun and so happy to have me and to be a part of this show. It was about an hour drive, we got to know each other, they took my measurements, we picked a few gowns and absolutely nailed the first one. I am beyond happy. Please keep in mind when looking at these, I will wear different hose and a different bra, no specs, when I am actually walking. [I just purchased white thigh highs with bows on top to add to the gameday look. A nude strapless bra will complete my outfit.]

After the fitting, I headed home for a bit then off to the art museum for our first Mix of 2025. Just to add to your understanding of my day, I drove one hour toward eastern Ohio for the fitting (I was only there about 45 glorious minutes), back home another hour drive, then to the art museum which is about a 45 minute drive and then 45 minutes home while being exhausted and having had a few (don’t lecture me). All I can say is two things. One, spending all day like this was wonderful. Two, being loved is (duh!) amazing. I am so completely beloved at Mix, I cannot tell you what that means. Me, looking like this, people I don’t even know coming up to tell me I look good, friends spending time with me, strangers always smiling at me, in a literal world class museum and on top of all of it, standing in front of an amazing exhibit featuring actual Picasso art. This is not something you could script in a fictional show.

Let’s recap. Shitty start to the week followed by a boudoir shoot, a Plexus event, a bridal fitting and then Mix, wow! If only I could get the real part of my life together, the one that provides for being able to do this and care for loved ones and fulfilling responsibilities, now that would be nice… Am I fortunate? Yes, indeed and no, not at all. But it’s my life, my mistakes, my passions, my choices, great and stupid. My big mouth makes much of the things you all enjoy here. I hit the family lottery and the girl perfecta, but am loosing at the craps table and hoping my horse comes in (just gambling analogies, I have less than zero interest in anything gambling related).

Another new pair of specs and a dress that I only owned for about 12 hours before she did her one and done. $5 at Forever 21, with a velour feel, cute as heck, a Valentine Day vibe with my added touches. Ever spend three hours around thousands of people looking like this? Kinda cool…

Think I was happy? Dress me up, I will always be happy beyond words. But I still land back in the real world. On to the next day, the next time, my upcoming weekend with my friend, Jocelyn!


8 Responses

  1. Kandi,
    You always look fabulous. You always have fun while out.

    See you Saturday. You be the “Beauty”, I’ll be the “Beast”.



  3. Kandi,
    You lucky girl!!!!
    45 minutes of bridal dressing and having ‘the dress’ fitted would be pure bliss for the rest of us.
    Keep you girl on.

  4. Kandi,

    I can’t imagine how feminine you must have felt wearing that bridal outfit!! Must have been off the charts.
    That is one of your best yet mi amiga. So lovely.


  5. I’m so glad you had a good ending to your week Kandi . You look amazing and it would be dream come true for me to get to experience what you have . I have always dreamed of dressing as a bride and hopefully will get to do it one day. Sending lots of love to you and all the amazing girls here . 🙂❤️

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