We sail the high seas!

I’ll get to that shortly…


I really enjoy cruising for many reasons.


I get to meet people from all over the globe living their lives. Many are former military as am I.  Some retired and empty nesters while some just amidst rugrats screeching or laughing.


If you know me, you know I’m all about energy of people and things.  Water is my element. I love just about everything about it.  I love the sound, feel and sight of it.  Water calms me and the energy of it in all its forms opens my mind to ideas and the free flow of ideas.  If my life feels chaotic, get around water.


The world is so large and to only live within driving distance seems illogical when it’s within reach at any moment.


It’s a wonderful feeling to go through customs as Gwen and see the look at the TSA personnel as I show my I.D. They look at it, then down at me several times. I smile and say, “Not today”.

People are very personable and gracious for the most part.  Here’s the key…


I don’t get uptight if someone says SIR.  I’m walking on LIDO DECK which is the large pool and movie screen with lots of lounge chairs over multiple decks. Straddling both sides are the Blue Iguana and Red Frog bars.  I’m in a bikini and as you know, my boobs are not small.  I look pretty good if I do say so but I’m never going yo “PASS” fully as a cisgender biological woman.  It’s just not going to happen… at least at this point in my life.  So I just roll with it and be me.  


Anyway, I’m walking past the Blue Iguana bar where the unlimited alcohol party-goers hang.  A table of guys turns around and stars at me walking, or should I say jiggling past them (so much fun).  One sticks his arm out, points directly at me and says, “That’s a guy!”

I don’t get angry or flustered. I stop and turn to him, look, give him a wry smile, wink and blow him a kiss.  Oh yeah.  I can neither confirm nor deny that I shook my rather robust bust a little more than usual just for some revenge. Then walked away.

I travel solo for many cruises as I’m doing for this one and had many people come up to me, introduce themselves, smile and say this or something similar, “I’ve been seeing you the past few days and I’ve been meaning to tell you that I think you’re so brave.” or “You are so statuesque”.  I’ve never heard that before. Kinda cool actually.

I was at dinner and usually get dressed up regardless if it’s elegant night or not. A girl who must have been 15 or so came up to me, smiled with a genuine happy smile with what seemed to be also honored. Not so much honored at me but the fact that I’m Trans. “I just wanted to say you look beautiful and can I give you this bracelet?” Wow. She was almost giddy. I’ve worn it the entire cruise on my ankle and wrist.


The staff can’t wait to do something for you. Ricky my room attendant was wonderful. Vanessa is from Peru and always happy to see me. Six or seven beautiful women greeted me every morning and evening at the Meridian Restaurant like a gauntlet.  “HI Miss Gwen. So nice to see you again.”


I love to dance but salsa and meringue can can wear out even the strongest constitution.  The music was loud and with so much energy.  The club wasn’t overly large but always packed.

So in conclusion, another cruise for the books.

I hope this post may inspire you to get out there and live life. Be yourself and…

Be Strong 💪 
Gwen Patrone 



3 Responses

  1. Gwen, such a refreshing attitude! There’s so much positive energy to be taken from just accepting who and what we are and I always find it a little sad when I see people being drained of their positivity by what is more often than not a genuine slip up on the part of others.

    Of course, many will find it upsetting being called ‘sir’ when they’re putting their heart and soul into presenting as female but, by accepting that that is an occupational hazard of being trans, the negatives disappear and leave just the positives to enjoy and thrive on.

  2. would be surprised if you indicated that most of those with compliments were men.
    still trying to figure out why most women seem ok with us

  3. Great post Gwen, I too took a cruise a few years back full en fem and loved it so much. Met some guys at the LGBTQ meet up and they just adopted me the rest of the cruise
    Now I didn’t do the bikini thing but did wear my daisy dukes once or twice and as you say the ship staff were all fantastic
    Not sure I will do it again because I love to cruise but never say never
    Love your can do attitude and I think it’s exactly as it should be

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