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Spread Joy. Be Happy.

My clean out of dated materials on myself continues, having begun stripping away the "I'm Published" page

By Nora Simone

The following article is posted here with permission of the author and Transliving International, the world’s leading magazine celebrating gender diversity.

Please visit the magazine’s website and sign up for their newsletter and publications!

Two friends I know from the same organization are Nora and Cristy. I have no explanation of why this is happening, but two of Cristy’s posts here (completely taken from her Flickr page with permission) have exploded. One in particular, “Is A CD Necessarily Transgender” has received well over 2,000 reads over the past 30 days and is well over 3,200 reads all-time here. Another of her posts “Crossdressing As A Hobby” is second all-time here with over 3,000 reads. The way the blog is set up, for someone to seek these out and find them in these types of numbers is a mystery to me. I makes me eternally happy, but I cannot understand it. These two posts exceed our next most popular post (“An Open Letter To Our Wives“) by between 700 and 1,000+ reads. Yes, I am a bit of a blog nerd, this is interesting to me. Read on, ladies! We are horribly biased, but this is the best blog of its type out there!


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