For one of my jobs, my territory was Michigan and Ohio. I recently gave up Michigan, but kept a few key accounts. One is a company, a good customer, founded by a young man at the age of 21. He is now 31, having grown this company very successfully, only to have the pandemic tear it all down and he is now rebuilding it, but more cautiously. He and I clicked when we first met, a cold call by me. His company is headquartered in Michigan with a solid California presence. We have become friends, despite my literally having lapped him in life. He is also gay and he lives with his partner in California, splitting his time between his HQ in Michigan and his love in Cali. When we initially met, and we talked, I shared the Kandi side of me and have now visited him the past two times as Kandi.
Why have I done this? One, as a bonding experience with another human being. Two, I am not going to lie, it has brought me business that I may or may not have otherwise. Being open, honest, all cards on the table, is liberating. I always look to create connections, leveraging up whatever I can to build relationships. His company is now a pillar account upon which I can build a business. And any time and EVERY time I can combine Kandi with something else in my life, I do so.
January 29, 2025 a 4:30 AM alarm (I was up well before). Two hours of prep. A three hour drive to Michigan. Hugs from my customer. A 45 minute chat. Catching up on emails and a good-bye hug. Three hour drive home, exhausted. The month of January in the books, only four times out. Life as Kandi knows has changed and may never be the same. Not great, not bad, not anything other than allowing my priorities to dictate. Literally, “is what it is”.
Thought I looked cute! Another new pair of specs. Like?

One Response
Kandi ,
It’s often said that gay people don’t like transgender people , from my own experience I found this incorrect . Most gay people I’ve met have just been GREAT PEOPLE , perhaps we may not understand each other but then that applies to others in society anyway . Where was the problem with doing business as Kandi ? perhaps it begs the question why did you need to tell him , instead just be you . If your products are OK and at the right price and he can sell them it’s a win-win for both of you .
Here in the UK we tend to forget the size of the US , I did a trip through Idaho and Montana , I didn’t see another car for several hours can’t imagine that on British roads .