
Let's reconsider this one!

I kinda like this one, so here we go again!

I have been told that I am an inspiration for my volunteer activities.  While I always appreciate the complement, the truth of the matter is there is no other way to have the fun I have on my budget.  We are by no means poor, but having weathered some difficulties and having put our daughters through a combined ten years of college, leaving them with no college debt (best investment ever), I have to manage my Kandi budget.  

Many others have much more resources than I do, so they can afford to shop for actual new clothes, have makeovers, photo shoots, travel and attend group gatherings.  In our social media world I look like a pauper.  I’ve read blogs by some of the more popular ladies out there, you know who they are, who do nothing but shop, travel to Vegas and the big CD events, always look like a million dollars because they have access to the best makeup artists and photographers.  Their pictures make them look like super models and they are.  But this is not reality!  Yes, they are very fortunate, but really how many us of out there can do this?  As I tell our daughters, don’t get sucked into the fantasy of what people post. The truth is something completely different.  [Editorial comment: Facebook is a root of the problems in our country.  We live in a Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, look-at-me society.  Okay grandpa, enough, I get it.]

Life in Kandi’s Land is about reality.  I am part of the 95% of you that aren’t knee deep in dough.  In order to fully realize what I want to do, I have become sort of the MacGyver of CDs.

What does a CD want?  Clothes, a wardrobe.  I have figured out how do acquire quite a deep and stylish wardrobe for pennies on the dollar.  I’ve talked about this frequently, if one is determined, you can find very high quality clothing at thrifts and consignment stores.

Acceptance.  Part of my mantra, be smart, has placed me in situations that practically insure acceptance.  Theaters.  Art museums.  Charity events.

Fun!  I have quite a bit of that.  Read my posts.  See what I have experienced.  Walk a mile in my pumps!  It’s really not that difficult.  Observe how women act.  Know your community/town.  Find those places.  Cloak yourself in anonymity when making initial contact by using email or making a call, where you cannot be seen.

Being a girl.  I have had many ultra-feminine experiences simply because I open my mouth.  I’ve had bra fittings (in both male and female modes).  I’ve had bridal fittings, quite a few.  I’ve been in the ladies room, been in dressing rooms, been zipped up by an SA, fawned over jewelry, I could go on and on.  This is not rocket science, I am not curing cancer, I am simply thinking it through, knowing how people react and view the world.

So, sit back and watch your CD MacGyver go about enjoying her life.

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6 Responses

  1. Hi Kandi”
    If I may add about the thrift store experience, here’s my approach which seems to work: If you are looking for something specific, you will probably not be successful. Instead, just go in and browse. You will likely find something that you like. You may not be able to use it right away. If you are patient, it may become useful as you continue to scour all your sources. Over time, you may come up with several great outfits based on your initial purchase. And don’t be afraid to try something on, even a woman’s garment if you are in male mode…nobody’s looking, and you are doing nothing wrong anyway!

  2. Kandi, this post sums up why a lot of us are here! Getting sucked into all of the social media and ‘look at me’ stuff is ultimately destructive as I found out the hard way! Ultimately, the only reason we should be doing all of this is to deal with the issues it brings to us personally, not to provide entertainment for others. That’s not to say we can’t sow the seeds of goodness – as you amply demonstrate, you give a lot to those sectors that need the help and only seek acceptance in return – but if we worry too much about everyone else and don’t look after number one, we end up on the road to self destruction when ‘everyone else’ finds someone else to take a superficial interest in.

    Of course, it’s nice to have something new in the wardrobe (sorry, closet!!) from time to time but I’ve learned to love the person underneath, even if I have seen her wearing the same thing hundreds of times before (slight exaggeration but you know what I mean!).

  3. Kandi,
    I’m so much on your wavelength on this . We could never deny my kids the chance of going to university , neither my wife or me had the opportunity , it was hard at the time but well worth it .
    As for shopping in charity shops it made perfect sense when I was in the closet , what was the point in spending a fortune when no one saw it ? I still don’t have a problem with finding some great bargains , I possibly get more satisfaction knowing it cost so little to look good . As for normal retail shopping I usually leave it to sale times , my thoughts are most retailers are still making a profit even at sale prices . .

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