Keystone 2023 – A First Impression

Cristy tells us about her Keystone experience.

By Ana Cristina Garcia

This was my second Keystone Conference (2022 was my first) so I fairly knew what to expect and that I would not be disappointed. The new venue offered a better location with many interesting places within walking distance; either for taking amazing photos or have a nice lunch or dinner. However, regardless of the venue, what most of us appreciate about a big conference like this, is getting to meet with old friends and make new ones. In my case, I also treasure the fact that it is the one time a year that I can be Cristy, and for a whole week!

At first, days seem to go by slowly but after Wednesday, time simply flies by, and one loses track of how many hugs have been given and photos have been taken! Thank God for photos, which capture moments that, otherwise, would be lost in an endless flow of continuous emotions and smiling faces.

Having been out on the Internet since 2004, I thought that my service to the community was done. After all, everything seems so easy and simple now, and every possible topic covered. I was pleasantly surprised to have many girls approach me to, in one way or another, thank me for what I had sheared over the years. Meeting online friends in person is always rewarding and even more so when they look so well put together and mention that you had some influence in their development and self-acceptance!

My deepest gratitude goes to those who took the time to come talk to me and shared such inspiring comments with me; you gave me renewed energy to find the time to continue to do my best to portray a positive image and, most of all, share my thoughts on the couple of social networks I am on. I consider myself very approachable and never a pretentious person so, never have second thoughts about saying hi if you see me in my yearly coming out of hibernation, or writing a message to ask any question you’d like to ask me. Like most of us, I do like compliments but most of all, like to feel useful and help within the limits of my knowledge and experience in the art of feminine illusion. I may only acknowledge a complimentary comment but will always respond a message asking a question.

Photos with friends are coming soon and will likely be accompanied by a short narrative that I deem relevant to the images but, for now, I needed to share this with all of you. Love you all!

This is one of the first photos I took, to see how my new wig looked from behind. I think it represents the new expectations we face before coming out of the room for the first time in a long time.

Cristy on Flickr:

Photos by Nora Simone, my Big Sister and my amazing friend!

Selfie by Cristy!


4 Responses

  1. Always great to see you Cristy. I really enjoyed our conversations, you are a very wonderful lady.

    1. Likewise, Lisa! Thank God for this type of events that can bring likeminded people together from different treat of life and places in the world.

  2. So glad that people helped you feel that you are still highly relevant and helpful over time. You are an inspiration, Christy. The event sounds wonderful. I tried to find the date and location for 2024 but could not. Any insights?

    1. Hi Crystal, They usually announce the dates latter in the year. Make sure you subscribe to their website to get information. The address is:

      If you decide to come you will never regret it and it will be a life changing experience! Thank you for commenting 🙂


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