Like many of our sisters, due to a combination of the pandemic and personal circumstances, my opportunities to get out over the last several months have been severely limited. I’ve been out only twice since early November. With more vaccinations in the pipeline (I’ve been jabbed once)–virtually the ONLY topic of discussion amongst my age group peers–I am hopeful for more opportunities going forward (a combination of feeling safer when out, more places being open, AND my wife feeling more comfortable going out and having places to go, so I can have my Dee time).
With the inception of the new site, a belated thanks to our hostess–Ms. Kandi–AND to those who read my posts weekly. Kandi has let me rattle on every Sunday for about the last year and a half, so many thanks to her. [I believe it is my pleasure, thank you!] Apparently a number of you tune in every week, so my thanks to you also. As I can’t exactly tell friends of the guy me “looky here what I wrote”, it is nice to know there are readers around the world who enjoy reading about my times out.
One of my last times out was Halloween. To many like us, Halloween is considered “the crossdresser’s national holiday”, as many use Halloween to get their girl on, often worrying whether going out dressed will give the game away.
When I was in elementary school, Halloween was the day we showed up at school in our costumes. Generally every year a boy would show up at school dressed as a girl, and I would be jealous. Fifty years later, I’m still jealous.
Before I started going out regularly (2016), I would ask my wife, who is reasonably tolerant, to go out to dinner with me on Halloween. She always emphatically refused, so I stopped asking. For 2020, I didn’t need to ask, as she was out of the country because of the pandemic.
A couple of weeks prior to Halloween I was going to attend our monthly Foundation dinner meeting, which had a Halloween theme. Before the meeting, I went shopping at a Halloween store for costume ideas. I found a pair of devil’s horns and some fire fishnet tights, to pair with a red dress I bought a couple years ago from Savers, but had never worn out. Unfortunately, I had a potential COVID exposure the day of the meeting, so I didn’t attend the meeting (fortunately, I wasn’t exposed), but I had a costume ready to go.
In baseball terms, my Halloween was a “day/night doubleheader”.

My morning outing was a breakfast meeting with the President of the St. Louis Gender Foundation (I’m Treasurer), to get some checks and paperwork. We met at a popular St. Louis cafeteria. COVID or not, the cafe was fairly crowded. Walking in, one of the other customers complimented my costume, and our waitress said she really liked my tights and wondered where I bought them.
Following breakfast, I walked to the nearby Nordstrom Rack. While browsing the racks, a friendly SA complimented me on my costume and said I had great legs. It’s always nice to get a compliment out of the blue (a couple of the other Rack SAs also said I looked nice).
I didn’t find anything to buy, so I headed home and got cleaned up.
During the afternoon and early evening I vacillated about going out. I was texting back and forth with my GG friend Renee about going out and she made some suggestions regarding what heels and hose to wear with a dress I had recently bought. My son was home, but I had a cover story about a friend having an annual outdoor Halloween party (costumes optional; more of an excuse to have a fire and drink), so I got dressed and snuck out.
The dress I found at Nordstrom Rack on sale for $15. It’s short and probably not age appropriate, but those were both reasons to wear it. I went to one of the casinos in St. Louis and played some video poker and blackjack (I’m not a big gambler) but it was fun being out. I lost a few dollars, and had a couple of drinks, and just enjoyed being out, Halloween or not.

6 Responses
Love both red dress and casino dress, you look great and could go anywhere!
A fabulous day for a fabulous woman.
Thanks for telling this story.
Dee, the red dress is fabulous and the overall look is devilishly beautiful. While the other dress is short, you have the legs and those great heels to show it off!
Thanks all.
It’s fun to be a devil now and then.
I’ve received numerous compliments on my legs and when choosing between a regular and petite dress in the same style I will chose the petite because it’s shorter. I had a women walk up to me and tell me I should stick to shorter dresses; my GG friend Renee says the same. I also like wearing heels because they show off my legs.
The red dress is nice, Dee, but I love the casino dress. The shoes are difficult to see but I think they have ankle straps–nice. Thanks for your story